comparison libtommath/ @ 391:00fcf5045160

propagate from branch 'au.asn.ucc.matt.ltc.dropbear' (head c1db4398d56c56c6d06ae1e20c1e0d04dbb598ed) to branch 'au.asn.ucc.matt.dropbear' (head d26d5eb2837f46b56a33fb0e7573aa0201abd4d5)
author Matt Johnston <>
date Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:29:08 +0000
parents 5ff8218bcee9
children 60fc6476e044
equal deleted inserted replaced
390:d8e44bef7917 391:00fcf5045160
1 #!/bin/perl
2 #
3 #Used to prepare the book "tommath.src" for LaTeX by pre-processing it into a .tex file
4 #
5 #Essentially you write the "tommath.src" as normal LaTex except where you want code snippets you put
6 #
7 #EXAM,file
8 #
9 #This preprocessor will then open "file" and insert it as a verbatim copy.
10 #
11 #Tom St Denis
13 #get graphics type
14 if (shift =~ /PDF/) {
15 $graph = "";
16 } else {
17 $graph = ".ps";
18 }
20 open(IN,"<tommath.src") or die "Can't open source file";
21 open(OUT,">tommath.tex") or die "Can't open destination file";
23 print "Scanning for sections\n";
24 $chapter = $section = $subsection = 0;
25 $x = 0;
26 while (<IN>) {
27 print ".";
28 if (!(++$x % 80)) { print "\n"; }
29 #update the headings
30 if (~($_ =~ /\*/)) {
31 if ($_ =~ /\\chapter{.+}/) {
32 ++$chapter;
33 $section = $subsection = 0;
34 } elsif ($_ =~ /\\section{.+}/) {
35 ++$section;
36 $subsection = 0;
37 } elsif ($_ =~ /\\subsection{.+}/) {
38 ++$subsection;
39 }
40 }
42 if ($_ =~ m/MARK/) {
43 @m = split(",",$_);
44 chomp(@m[1]);
45 $index1{@m[1]} = $chapter;
46 $index2{@m[1]} = $section;
47 $index3{@m[1]} = $subsection;
48 }
49 }
50 close(IN);
52 open(IN,"<tommath.src") or die "Can't open source file";
53 $readline = $wroteline = 0;
54 $srcline = 0;
56 while (<IN>) {
57 ++$readline;
58 ++$srcline;
60 if ($_ =~ m/MARK/) {
61 } elsif ($_ =~ m/EXAM/ || $_ =~ m/LIST/) {
62 if ($_ =~ m/EXAM/) {
63 $skipheader = 1;
64 } else {
65 $skipheader = 0;
66 }
68 # EXAM,file
69 chomp($_);
70 @m = split(",",$_);
71 open(SRC,"<$m[1]") or die "Error:$srcline:Can't open source file $m[1]";
73 print "$srcline:Inserting $m[1]:";
75 $line = 0;
76 $tmp = $m[1];
77 $tmp =~ s/_/"\\_"/ge;
78 print OUT "\\vspace{+3mm}\\begin{small}\n\\hspace{-5.1mm}{\\bf File}: $tmp\n\\vspace{-3mm}\n\\begin{alltt}\n";
79 $wroteline += 5;
81 if ($skipheader == 1) {
82 # scan till next end of comment, e.g. skip license
83 while (<SRC>) {
84 $text[$line++] = $_;
85 last if ($_ =~ /math\.libtomcrypt\.com/);
86 }
87 <SRC>;
88 }
90 $inline = 0;
91 while (<SRC>) {
92 next if ($_ =~ /\$Source/);
93 next if ($_ =~ /\$Revision/);
94 next if ($_ =~ /\$Date/);
95 $text[$line++] = $_;
96 ++$inline;
97 chomp($_);
98 $_ =~ s/\t/" "/ge;
99 $_ =~ s/{/"^{"/ge;
100 $_ =~ s/}/"^}"/ge;
101 $_ =~ s/\\/'\symbol{92}'/ge;
102 $_ =~ s/\^/"\\"/ge;
104 printf OUT ("%03d ", $line);
105 for ($x = 0; $x < length($_); $x++) {
106 print OUT chr(vec($_, $x, 8));
107 if ($x == 75) {
108 print OUT "\n ";
109 ++$wroteline;
110 }
111 }
112 print OUT "\n";
113 ++$wroteline;
114 }
115 $totlines = $line;
116 print OUT "\\end{alltt}\n\\end{small}\n";
117 close(SRC);
118 print "$inline lines\n";
119 $wroteline += 2;
120 } elsif ($_ =~ m/@\d+,.+@/) {
121 # line contains [number,text]
122 # e.g. @14,for (ix = 0)@
123 $txt = $_;
124 while ($txt =~ m/@\d+,.+@/) {
125 @m = split("@",$txt); # splits into text, one, two
126 @parms = split(",",$m[1]); # splits one,two into two elements
128 # now search from $parms[0] down for $parms[1]
129 $found1 = 0;
130 $found2 = 0;
131 for ($i = $parms[0]; $i < $totlines && $found1 == 0; $i++) {
132 if ($text[$i] =~ m/\Q$parms[1]\E/) {
133 $foundline1 = $i + 1;
134 $found1 = 1;
135 }
136 }
138 # now search backwards
139 for ($i = $parms[0] - 1; $i >= 0 && $found2 == 0; $i--) {
140 if ($text[$i] =~ m/\Q$parms[1]\E/) {
141 $foundline2 = $i + 1;
142 $found2 = 1;
143 }
144 }
146 # now use the closest match or the first if tied
147 if ($found1 == 1 && $found2 == 0) {
148 $found = 1;
149 $foundline = $foundline1;
150 } elsif ($found1 == 0 && $found2 == 1) {
151 $found = 1;
152 $foundline = $foundline2;
153 } elsif ($found1 == 1 && $found2 == 1) {
154 $found = 1;
155 if (($foundline1 - $parms[0]) <= ($parms[0] - $foundline2)) {
156 $foundline = $foundline1;
157 } else {
158 $foundline = $foundline2;
159 }
160 } else {
161 $found = 0;
162 }
164 # if found replace
165 if ($found == 1) {
166 $delta = $parms[0] - $foundline;
167 print "Found replacement tag for \"$parms[1]\" on line $srcline which refers to line $foundline (delta $delta)\n";
168 $_ =~ s/@\Q$m[1]\E@/$foundline/;
169 } else {
170 print "ERROR: The tag \"$parms[1]\" on line $srcline was not found in the most recently parsed source!\n";
171 }
173 # remake the rest of the line
174 $cnt = @m;
175 $txt = "";
176 for ($i = 2; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
177 $txt = $txt . $m[$i] . "@";
178 }
179 }
180 print OUT $_;
181 ++$wroteline;
182 } elsif ($_ =~ /~.+~/) {
183 # line contains a ~text~ pair used to refer to indexing :-)
184 $txt = $_;
185 while ($txt =~ /~.+~/) {
186 @m = split("~", $txt);
188 # word is the second position
189 $word = @m[1];
190 $a = $index1{$word};
191 $b = $index2{$word};
192 $c = $index3{$word};
194 # if chapter (a) is zero it wasn't found
195 if ($a == 0) {
196 print "ERROR: the tag \"$word\" on line $srcline was not found previously marked.\n";
197 } else {
198 # format the tag as x, x.y or x.y.z depending on the values
199 $str = $a;
200 $str = $str . ".$b" if ($b != 0);
201 $str = $str . ".$c" if ($c != 0);
203 if ($b == 0 && $c == 0) {
204 # its a chapter
205 if ($a <= 10) {
206 if ($a == 1) {
207 $str = "chapter one";
208 } elsif ($a == 2) {
209 $str = "chapter two";
210 } elsif ($a == 3) {
211 $str = "chapter three";
212 } elsif ($a == 4) {
213 $str = "chapter four";
214 } elsif ($a == 5) {
215 $str = "chapter five";
216 } elsif ($a == 6) {
217 $str = "chapter six";
218 } elsif ($a == 7) {
219 $str = "chapter seven";
220 } elsif ($a == 8) {
221 $str = "chapter eight";
222 } elsif ($a == 9) {
223 $str = "chapter nine";
224 } elsif ($a == 10) {
225 $str = "chapter ten";
226 }
227 } else {
228 $str = "chapter " . $str;
229 }
230 } else {
231 $str = "section " . $str if ($b != 0 && $c == 0);
232 $str = "sub-section " . $str if ($b != 0 && $c != 0);
233 }
235 #substitute
236 $_ =~ s/~\Q$word\E~/$str/;
238 print "Found replacement tag for marker \"$word\" on line $srcline which refers to $str\n";
239 }
241 # remake rest of the line
242 $cnt = @m;
243 $txt = "";
244 for ($i = 2; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
245 $txt = $txt . $m[$i] . "~";
246 }
247 }
248 print OUT $_;
249 ++$wroteline;
250 } elsif ($_ =~ m/FIGU/) {
251 # FIGU,file,caption
252 chomp($_);
253 @m = split(",", $_);
254 print OUT "\\begin{center}\n\\begin{figure}[here]\n\\includegraphics{pics/$m[1]$graph}\n";
255 print OUT "\\caption{$m[2]}\n\\label{pic:$m[1]}\n\\end{figure}\n\\end{center}\n";
256 $wroteline += 4;
257 } else {
258 print OUT $_;
259 ++$wroteline;
260 }
261 }
262 print "Read $readline lines, wrote $wroteline lines\n";
264 close (OUT);
265 close (IN);