diff src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h @ 280:59400faa4b44 libtomcrypt-orig libtomcrypt-1.05

Re-import libtomcrypt 1.05 for cleaner propagating. From crypt-1.05.tar.bz2, SHA1 of 88250202bb51570dc64f7e8f1c943cda9479258f
author Matt Johnston <matt@ucc.asn.au>
date Wed, 08 Mar 2006 12:58:00 +0000
children d5faf4814ddb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h	Wed Mar 08 12:58:00 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#ifdef HMAC
+typedef struct Hmac_state {
+     hash_state     md;
+     int            hash;
+     hash_state     hashstate;
+     unsigned char  *key;
+} hmac_state;
+int hmac_init(hmac_state *hmac, int hash, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen);
+int hmac_process(hmac_state *hmac, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen);
+int hmac_done(hmac_state *hmac, unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int hmac_test(void);
+int hmac_memory(int hash, 
+                const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+                const unsigned char *in,  unsigned long inlen, 
+                      unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int hmac_memory_multi(int hash, 
+                const unsigned char *key,  unsigned long keylen,
+                      unsigned char *out,  unsigned long *outlen,
+                const unsigned char *in,   unsigned long inlen, ...);
+int hmac_file(int hash, const char *fname, const unsigned char *key,
+              unsigned long keylen, 
+              unsigned char *dst, unsigned long *dstlen);
+#ifdef OMAC
+typedef struct {
+   int             cipher_idx, 
+                   buflen,
+                   blklen;
+   unsigned char   block[MAXBLOCKSIZE],
+                   prev[MAXBLOCKSIZE],
+                   Lu[2][MAXBLOCKSIZE];
+   symmetric_key   key;
+} omac_state;
+int omac_init(omac_state *omac, int cipher, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen);
+int omac_process(omac_state *omac, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen);
+int omac_done(omac_state *omac, unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int omac_memory(int cipher, 
+               const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+               const unsigned char *in,  unsigned long inlen,
+                     unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int omac_memory_multi(int cipher, 
+                const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+                      unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen,
+                const unsigned char *in,  unsigned long inlen, ...);
+int omac_file(int cipher, 
+              const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+              const          char *filename, 
+                    unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int omac_test(void);
+#endif /* OMAC */
+#ifdef PMAC
+typedef struct {
+   unsigned char     Ls[32][MAXBLOCKSIZE],    /* L shifted by i bits to the left */
+                     Li[MAXBLOCKSIZE],        /* value of Li [current value, we calc from previous recall] */
+                     Lr[MAXBLOCKSIZE],        /* L * x^-1 */
+                     block[MAXBLOCKSIZE],     /* currently accumulated block */
+                     checksum[MAXBLOCKSIZE];  /* current checksum */
+   symmetric_key     key;                     /* scheduled key for cipher */
+   unsigned long     block_index;             /* index # for current block */
+   int               cipher_idx,              /* cipher idx */
+                     block_len,               /* length of block */
+                     buflen;                  /* number of bytes in the buffer */
+} pmac_state;
+int pmac_init(pmac_state *pmac, int cipher, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen);
+int pmac_process(pmac_state *pmac, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen);
+int pmac_done(pmac_state *pmac, unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int pmac_memory(int cipher, 
+               const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+               const unsigned char *msg, unsigned long msglen,
+                     unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int pmac_memory_multi(int cipher, 
+                const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+                      unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen,
+                const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen, ...);
+int pmac_file(int cipher, 
+             const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+             const          char *filename, 
+                   unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);
+int pmac_test(void);
+/* internal functions */
+int pmac_ntz(unsigned long x);
+void pmac_shift_xor(pmac_state *pmac);
+#endif /* PMAC */
+#ifdef EAX_MODE
+#if !(defined(OMAC) && defined(CTR))
+   #error EAX_MODE requires OMAC and CTR
+typedef struct {
+   unsigned char N[MAXBLOCKSIZE];
+   symmetric_CTR ctr;
+   omac_state    headeromac, ctomac;
+} eax_state;
+int eax_init(eax_state *eax, int cipher, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+             const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned long noncelen,
+             const unsigned char *header, unsigned long headerlen);
+int eax_encrypt(eax_state *eax, const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, unsigned long length);
+int eax_decrypt(eax_state *eax, const unsigned char *ct, unsigned char *pt, unsigned long length);
+int eax_addheader(eax_state *eax, const unsigned char *header, unsigned long length);
+int eax_done(eax_state *eax, unsigned char *tag, unsigned long *taglen);
+int eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory(int cipher,
+    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+    const unsigned char *nonce,  unsigned long noncelen,
+    const unsigned char *header, unsigned long headerlen,
+    const unsigned char *pt,     unsigned long ptlen,
+          unsigned char *ct,
+          unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long *taglen);
+int eax_decrypt_verify_memory(int cipher,
+    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+    const unsigned char *nonce,  unsigned long noncelen,
+    const unsigned char *header, unsigned long headerlen,
+    const unsigned char *ct,     unsigned long ctlen,
+          unsigned char *pt,
+          unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long taglen,
+          int           *stat);
+ int eax_test(void);
+#endif /* EAX MODE */
+#ifdef OCB_MODE
+typedef struct {
+   unsigned char     L[MAXBLOCKSIZE],         /* L value */
+                     Ls[32][MAXBLOCKSIZE],    /* L shifted by i bits to the left */
+                     Li[MAXBLOCKSIZE],        /* value of Li [current value, we calc from previous recall] */
+                     Lr[MAXBLOCKSIZE],        /* L * x^-1 */
+                     R[MAXBLOCKSIZE],         /* R value */
+                     checksum[MAXBLOCKSIZE];  /* current checksum */
+   symmetric_key     key;                     /* scheduled key for cipher */
+   unsigned long     block_index;             /* index # for current block */
+   int               cipher,                  /* cipher idx */
+                     block_len;               /* length of block */
+} ocb_state;
+int ocb_init(ocb_state *ocb, int cipher, 
+             const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen, const unsigned char *nonce);
+int ocb_encrypt(ocb_state *ocb, const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct);
+int ocb_decrypt(ocb_state *ocb, const unsigned char *ct, unsigned char *pt);
+int ocb_done_encrypt(ocb_state *ocb, 
+                     const unsigned char *pt,  unsigned long ptlen,
+                           unsigned char *ct, 
+                           unsigned char *tag, unsigned long *taglen);
+int ocb_done_decrypt(ocb_state *ocb, 
+                     const unsigned char *ct,  unsigned long ctlen,
+                           unsigned char *pt, 
+                     const unsigned char *tag, unsigned long taglen, int *stat);
+int ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory(int cipher,
+    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+    const unsigned char *nonce,  
+    const unsigned char *pt,     unsigned long ptlen,
+          unsigned char *ct,
+          unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long *taglen);
+int ocb_decrypt_verify_memory(int cipher,
+    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+    const unsigned char *nonce,  
+    const unsigned char *ct,     unsigned long ctlen,
+          unsigned char *pt,
+    const unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long taglen,
+          int           *stat);
+int ocb_test(void);
+/* internal functions */
+void ocb_shift_xor(ocb_state *ocb, unsigned char *Z);
+int ocb_ntz(unsigned long x);
+int s_ocb_done(ocb_state *ocb, const unsigned char *pt, unsigned long ptlen,
+               unsigned char *ct, unsigned char *tag, unsigned long *taglen, int mode);
+#endif /* OCB_MODE */
+#ifdef CCM_MODE
+#define CCM_ENCRYPT 0
+#define CCM_DECRYPT 1
+int ccm_memory(int cipher,
+    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+    const unsigned char *nonce,  unsigned long noncelen,
+    const unsigned char *header, unsigned long headerlen,
+          unsigned char *pt,     unsigned long ptlen,
+          unsigned char *ct,
+          unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long *taglen,
+                    int  direction);
+int ccm_test(void);
+#endif /* CCM_MODE */
+#ifdef GCM_MODE
+#define GCM_ENCRYPT 0
+#define GCM_DECRYPT 1
+#define GCM_MODE_IV    0
+#define GCM_MODE_AAD   1
+#define GCM_MODE_TEXT  2
+typedef struct { 
+   symmetric_key       K;
+   unsigned char       H[16],        /* multiplier */
+                       X[16],        /* accumulator */
+                       Y[16],        /* counter */
+                       Y_0[16],      /* initial counter */
+                       buf[16];      /* buffer for stuff */
+   int                 cipher,       /* which cipher */
+                       ivmode,       /* Which mode is the IV in? */
+                       mode,         /* mode the GCM code is in */
+                       buflen;       /* length of data in buf */
+   ulong64             totlen,       /* 64-bit counter used for IV and AAD */
+                       pttotlen;     /* 64-bit counter for the PT */
+#ifdef GCM_TABLES
+   unsigned char       PC[16][256][16];  /* 16 tables of 8x128 */
+} gcm_state;
+void gcm_gf_mult(const unsigned char *a, const unsigned char *b, unsigned char *c);
+void gcm_mult_h(gcm_state *gcm, unsigned char *I);
+int gcm_init(gcm_state *gcm, int cipher,
+             const unsigned char *key, int keylen);
+int gcm_reset(gcm_state *gcm);
+int gcm_add_iv(gcm_state *gcm, 
+               const unsigned char *IV,     unsigned long IVlen);
+int gcm_add_aad(gcm_state *gcm,
+               const unsigned char *adata,  unsigned long adatalen);
+int gcm_process(gcm_state *gcm,
+                     unsigned char *pt,     unsigned long ptlen,
+                     unsigned char *ct,
+                     int direction);
+int gcm_done(gcm_state *gcm, 
+                     unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long *taglen);
+int gcm_memory(      int           cipher,
+               const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
+               const unsigned char *IV,     unsigned long IVlen,
+               const unsigned char *adata,  unsigned long adatalen,
+                     unsigned char *pt,     unsigned long ptlen,
+                     unsigned char *ct, 
+                     unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long *taglen,
+                               int direction);
+int gcm_test(void);
+#endif /* GCM_MODE */
+#ifdef PELICAN
+typedef struct pelican_state
+    symmetric_key K;
+    unsigned char state[16];
+    int           buflen;
+} pelican_state;
+int pelican_init(pelican_state *pelmac, const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen);
+int pelican_process(pelican_state *pelmac, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen);
+int pelican_done(pelican_state *pelmac, unsigned char *out);
+int pelican_test(void);
+int pelican_memory(const unsigned char *key, unsigned long keylen,
+                   const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen,
+                         unsigned char *out);
+/* $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h,v $ */
+/* $Revision: 1.7 $ */
+/* $Date: 2005/05/05 14:35:58 $ */