diff tomsfastmath/demo/test.c @ 643:a362b62d38b2 dropbear-tfm

Add tomsfastmath from git rev bfa4582842bc3bab42e4be4aed5703437049502a with Makefile.in renamed
author Matt Johnston <matt@ucc.asn.au>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:10:20 +0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tomsfastmath/demo/test.c	Wed Nov 23 18:10:20 2011 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+/* TFM demo program */
+#include <tfm.h>
+void draw(fp_int *a)
+  int x;
+  printf("%d, %d, ", a->used, a->sign);
+  for (x = a->used - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
+      printf("%08lx ", a->dp[x]);
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+int myrng(unsigned char *dst, int len, void *dat)
+   int x;
+   for (x = 0; x < len; x++) dst[x] = rand() & 0xFF;
+   return len;
+/* RDTSC from Scott Duplichan */
+static ulong64 TIMFUNC (void)
+   {
+   #if defined __GNUC__
+      #if defined(INTEL_CC)
+	 ulong64 a;
+         asm ("rdtsc":"=A"(a));
+         return a;
+      #elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+         ulong64 a;
+         __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc\nmovl %%eax,%0\nmovl %%edx,4+%0\n"::"m"(a):"%eax","%edx");
+         return a;
+      #elif defined(TFM_PPC32) 
+         unsigned long a, b;
+         __asm__ __volatile__ ("mftbu %1 \nmftb %0\n":"=r"(a), "=r"(b));
+         return (((ulong64)b) << 32ULL) | ((ulong64)a);
+      #elif defined(TFM_AVR32) 
+	 FILE *in;
+         char buf[20];
+	 in = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/pccycles", "r");
+	 fgets(buf, 20, in);
+	 fclose(in);
+	 return strtoul(buf, NULL, 10);
+      #else /* gcc-IA64 version */
+         unsigned long result;
+         __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc" : "=r"(result) :: "memory");
+         while (__builtin_expect ((int) result == -1, 0))
+         __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc" : "=r"(result) :: "memory");
+         return result;
+      #endif
+   // Microsoft and Intel Windows compilers
+   #elif defined _M_IX86
+     __asm rdtsc
+   #elif defined _M_AMD64
+     return __rdtsc ();
+   #elif defined _M_IA64
+     #if defined __INTEL_COMPILER
+       #include <ia64intrin.h>
+     #endif
+      return __getReg (3116);
+   #else
+     #error need rdtsc function for this build
+   #endif
+   }
+   char cmd[4096], buf[4096];
+int main(void)
+  fp_int a,b,c,d,e,f;
+  fp_digit fp;
+  int n, err;
+   unsigned long expt_n, add_n, sub_n, mul_n, div_n, sqr_n, mul2d_n, div2d_n, gcd_n, lcm_n, inv_n,
+                 div2_n, mul2_n, add_d_n, sub_d_n, mul_d_n, t, cnt, rr, ix;
+   ulong64 t1, t2;
+  srand(time(NULL));
+  printf("TFM Ident string:\n%s\n\n", fp_ident());
+  fp_zero(&b); fp_zero(&c); fp_zero(&d); fp_zero(&e); fp_zero(&f); 
+  fp_zero(&a); draw(&a);
+  /* test set and simple shifts */
+  printf("Testing mul/div 2\n");
+  fp_set(&a, 1); draw(&a);
+  for (n = 0; n <= DIGIT_BIT; n++) {
+      fp_mul_2(&a, &a); printf("(%d) ", fp_count_bits(&a));
+      draw(&a);
+  }
+  for (n = 0; n <= (DIGIT_BIT + 1); n++) {
+      fp_div_2(&a, &a);
+      draw(&a);
+  }
+  fp_set(&a, 1);
+  /* test lshd/rshd */
+  printf("testing lshd/rshd\n");
+  fp_lshd(&a, 3); draw(&a);
+  fp_rshd(&a, 3); draw(&a);
+  /* test more complicated shifts */
+  printf("Testing mul/div 2d\n");
+  fp_mul_2d(&a, DIGIT_BIT/2, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_div_2d(&a, DIGIT_BIT/2, &a, NULL); draw(&a);
+  fp_mul_2d(&a, DIGIT_BIT + DIGIT_BIT/2, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_div_2d(&a, DIGIT_BIT + DIGIT_BIT/2, &a, NULL); draw(&a);
+  /* test neg/abs  */
+  printf("testing neg/abs\n");
+  fp_neg(&a, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_neg(&a, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_neg(&a, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_abs(&a, &a); draw(&a);
+  /* test comparisons */
+  fp_set(&b, 3);
+  fp_set(&c, 4); fp_neg(&c, &c);
+  fp_set(&d, 1);
+  printf("Testing compares\n%d, %d, %d, %d\n", fp_cmp(&a, &b), fp_cmp(&a, &c), fp_cmp(&a, &d), fp_cmp(&b, &c));
+  /* test add/sub */
+  printf("Testing add/sub \n");
+  fp_set(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT-1)); draw(&a);
+  fp_set(&b, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT-2));
+  fp_add(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_add(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_add(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("sub...\n");
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_read_radix(&a, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001", 16); draw(&a);
+  fp_sub_d(&a, 3, &b); draw(&b);
+  printf("cmp returns: %d, ", fp_cmp(&a, &b)); fp_sub(&a, &b, &a); draw(&a);
+  /* test mul_d */
+  printf("Testing mul_d and div_d\n");
+  fp_set(&a, 1);
+  fp_mul_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_mul_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a); draw(&a);
+  fp_mul_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a); draw(&a);
+  printf("div_d\n");
+  fp_div_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a, NULL); draw(&a);
+  fp_div_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a, NULL); draw(&a);
+  fp_div_d(&a, ((fp_digit)1)<<(DIGIT_BIT/2), &a, NULL); draw(&a);
+  /* testing read radix */
+  printf("Testing read_radix\n");
+  fp_read_radix(&a, "123456789012345678901234567890", 16); draw(&a);
+#if 0
+  /* test mont */
+  printf("Montgomery test #1\n");
+  fp_set(&a, 0x1234567ULL);
+  fp_montgomery_setup(&a, &fp);
+  fp_montgomery_calc_normalization(&b, &a);
+  fp_read_radix(&d, "123456789123", 16);
+  for (n = 0; n < 1000000; n++) {
+      fp_add_d(&d, 1, &d); fp_sqrmod(&d, &a, &d); 
+      fp_mul(&d, &b, &c);
+      fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, fp);
+      if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+         printf("Failed mont %d\n", n);
+         draw(&a);
+         draw(&d);
+         draw(&c);
+         return EXIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+  }
+  printf("Passed.\n");
+  printf("Montgomery test #2\n");
+  fp_set(&a, 0x1234567ULL);
+  fp_lshd(&a, 4);
+  fp_add_d(&a, 1, &a);
+  fp_montgomery_setup(&a, &fp);
+  fp_montgomery_calc_normalization(&b, &a);
+  fp_read_radix(&d, "123456789123", 16);
+  for (n = 0; n < 1000000; n++) {
+      fp_add_d(&d, 1, &d); fp_sqrmod(&d, &a, &d); 
+      fp_mul(&d, &b, &c);
+      fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, fp);
+      if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+         printf("Failed mont %d\n", n);
+         draw(&a);
+         draw(&d);
+         draw(&c);
+         return EXIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+  }
+  printf("Passed.\n");
+   /* test for size */
+   for (ix = 8*DIGIT_BIT; ix < 10*DIGIT_BIT; ix++) {
+       printf("Testing (not safe-prime): %9lu bits    \r", ix); fflush(stdout);
+       err = fp_prime_random_ex(&a, 8, ix, (rand()&1)?TFM_PRIME_2MSB_OFF:TFM_PRIME_2MSB_ON, myrng, NULL);
+       if (err != FP_OKAY) {
+          printf("failed with err code %d\n", err);
+          return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+       if ((unsigned long)fp_count_bits(&a) != ix) {
+          printf("Prime is %d not %lu bits!!!\n", fp_count_bits(&a), ix);
+          return EXIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+   }
+   printf("\n\n");
+#ifdef TESTING
+goto testing;
+#if 1
+t1 = TIMFUNC();
+printf("Ticks per second: %llu\n", TIMFUNC() - t1);
+goto multtime;
+ /* do some timings... */
+  printf("Addition:\n");
+  for (t = 2; t <= FP_SIZE/2; t += 2) {
+      fp_zero(&a);
+      fp_zero(&b);
+      fp_zero(&c);
+      for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+          a.dp[ix] = ix;
+          b.dp[ix] = ix;
+      }
+      a.used = t;
+      b.used = t;
+      t2 = -1;
+      for (ix = 0; ix < 25000; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_add(&a, &b, &c); fp_add(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_add(&a, &b, &c); fp_add(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_add(&a, &b, &c); fp_add(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_add(&a, &b, &c); fp_add(&a, &b, &c);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>3;
+          if (t1<t2) { --ix; t2 = t1; }
+      }
+      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  printf("Multiplication:\n");
+  for (t = 2; t < FP_SIZE/2; t += 2) {
+      fp_zero(&a);
+      fp_zero(&b);
+      fp_zero(&c);
+      for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+          a.dp[ix] = ix;
+          b.dp[ix] = ix;
+      }
+      a.used = t;
+      b.used = t;
+      t2 = -1;
+      for (ix = 0; ix < 100; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          fp_mul(&a, &b, &c); fp_mul(&a, &b, &c);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>7;
+          if (t1<t2) { --ix; t2 = t1; }
+      }
+      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  printf("Squaring:\n");
+  for (t = 2; t < FP_SIZE/2; t += 2) {
+      fp_zero(&a);
+      fp_zero(&b);
+      for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+          a.dp[ix] = ix;
+      }
+      a.used = t;
+      t2 = -1;
+      for (ix = 0; ix < 100; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          fp_sqr(&a, &b); fp_sqr(&a, &b);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>7;
+          if (t1<t2) { --ix; t2 = t1; }
+      }
+      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  printf("Invmod:\n");
+  for (t = 2; t < FP_SIZE/2; t += 2) {
+     fp_zero(&a);
+     for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+         a.dp[ix] = ix | 1;
+     }
+     a.used = t;
+     fp_zero(&b);
+     for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+         b.dp[ix] = rand();
+     }
+     b.used = t;
+     fp_clamp(&b);
+     fp_zero(&c);
+     t2 = -1;
+     for (ix = 0; ix < 100; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          fp_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>6;
+          if (t1<t2) { --ix; t2 = t1; }
+      }
+      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  printf("Montgomery:\n");
+  for (t = 2; t <= (FP_SIZE/2)-4; t += 2) {
+//      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+      fp_zero(&a);
+      for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+          a.dp[ix] = ix | 1;
+      }
+      a.used = t;
+     fp_montgomery_setup(&a, &fp);
+     fp_sub_d(&a, 3, &b);
+     fp_sqr(&b, &b);      
+     fp_copy(&b, &c);      
+     fp_copy(&b, &d);      
+     t2 = -1;
+     for (ix = 0; ix < 100; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&c, &a, &fp);
+          fp_montgomery_reduce(&d, &a, &fp);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>6;
+          fp_copy(&b, &c);      
+          fp_copy(&b, &d);      
+          if (t1<t2) { --ix; t2 = t1; }
+      }
+      printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  printf("Exptmod:\n");
+  for (t = 512/DIGIT_BIT; t <= (FP_SIZE/2)-2; t += 256/DIGIT_BIT) {
+      fp_zero(&a);
+      fp_zero(&b);
+      fp_zero(&c);
+      for (ix = 0; ix < t; ix++) {
+          a.dp[ix] = ix+1;
+          b.dp[ix] = (fp_digit)rand() * (fp_digit)rand();
+          c.dp[ix] = ix;
+      }
+      a.used = t;
+      b.used = t;
+      c.used = t;
+     t2 = -1;
+     for (ix = 0; ix < 500; ++ix) {
+          t1 = TIMFUNC();
+          fp_exptmod(&c, &b, &a, &d);
+          fp_exptmod(&c, &b, &a, &d);
+          t2 = (TIMFUNC() - t1)>>1;
+          fp_copy(&b, &c);      
+          fp_copy(&b, &d);      
+          if (t1<t2) { t2 = t1; --ix; }
+     }
+     printf("%5lu-bit: %9llu\n", t * DIGIT_BIT, t2);
+  }
+  return 0;
+return 0;
+  fp_zero(&b); fp_zero(&c); fp_zero(&d); fp_zero(&e); fp_zero(&f); fp_zero(&a);
+   div2_n = mul2_n = inv_n = expt_n = lcm_n = gcd_n = add_n =
+   sub_n = mul_n = div_n = sqr_n = mul2d_n = div2d_n = cnt = add_d_n = sub_d_n= mul_d_n = 0;
+   for (;;) {
+       printf("%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu ", add_n, sub_n, mul_n, div_n, sqr_n, mul2d_n, div2d_n, gcd_n, lcm_n, expt_n, inv_n, div2_n, mul2_n, add_d_n, sub_d_n, mul_d_n);
+       fgets(cmd, 4095, stdin);
+       cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = 0;
+       printf("%s  ]\r",cmd); fflush(stdout);
+       if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul2d")) { ++mul2d_n;
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%lu", &rr);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fp_mul_2d(&a, rr, &a);
+          a.sign = b.sign;
+          if (fp_cmp(&a, &b) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("mul2d failed, rr == %lu\n",rr);
+             draw(&a);
+             draw(&b);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div2d")) { ++div2d_n;
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%lu", &rr);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fp_div_2d(&a, rr, &a, &e);
+          a.sign = b.sign;
+          if (a.used == b.used && a.used == 0) { a.sign = b.sign = FP_ZPOS; }
+          if (fp_cmp(&a, &b) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("div2d failed, rr == %lu\n",rr);
+             draw(&a);
+             draw(&b);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "add")) { ++add_n;
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+          fp_copy(&a, &d);
+          fp_add(&d, &b, &d);
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("add %lu failure!\n", add_n);
+             return 0;
+          }
+          /* test the sign/unsigned storage functions */
+          rr = fp_signed_bin_size(&c);
+          fp_to_signed_bin(&c, (unsigned char *)cmd);
+          memset(cmd+rr, rand()&255, sizeof(cmd)-rr);
+          fp_read_signed_bin(&d, (unsigned char *)cmd, rr);
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("fp_signed_bin failure!\n");
+             draw(&c);
+             draw(&d);
+             return 0;
+          }
+          rr = fp_unsigned_bin_size(&c);
+          fp_to_unsigned_bin(&c, (unsigned char *)cmd);
+          memset(cmd+rr, rand()&255, sizeof(cmd)-rr);
+          fp_read_unsigned_bin(&d, (unsigned char *)cmd, rr);
+          if (fp_cmp_mag(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("fp_unsigned_bin failure!\n");
+             draw(&c);
+             draw(&d);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sub")) { ++sub_n;
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+          fp_copy(&a, &d);
+          fp_sub(&d, &b, &d);
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("sub %lu failure!\n", sub_n);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul")) { 
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+          fp_copy(&a, &d);
+          fp_mul(&d, &b, &d); ++mul_n;
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("mul %lu failure!\n", mul_n);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div")) { 
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&d, buf, 64);
+// continue;
+          fp_div(&a, &b, &e, &f); ++div_n;
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &e) != FP_EQ || fp_cmp(&d, &f) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("div %lu failure!\n", div_n);
+draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d); draw(&e); draw(&f);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sqr")) { 
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+// continue;
+          fp_copy(&a, &c);
+          fp_sqr(&c, &c); ++sqr_n;
+          if (fp_cmp(&b, &c) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("sqr %lu failure!\n", sqr_n);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "gcd")) { 
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+          fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+// continue;
+          fp_copy(&a, &d);
+          fp_gcd(&d, &b, &d); ++gcd_n;
+          d.sign = c.sign;
+          if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+             printf("gcd %lu failure!\n", gcd_n);
+             return 0;
+          }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "lcm")) { 
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+             fp_copy(&a, &d);
+             fp_lcm(&d, &b, &d); ++lcm_n;
+             d.sign = c.sign;
+             if (fp_cmp(&c, &d) != FP_EQ) {
+                printf("lcm %lu failure!\n", lcm_n);
+   draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d);
+                return 0;
+             }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "expt")) {  
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&d, buf, 64);
+// continue;
+             fp_copy(&a, &e);
+             fp_exptmod(&e, &b, &c, &e); ++expt_n;
+             if (fp_cmp(&d, &e) != FP_EQ) {
+                printf("expt %lu failure!\n", expt_n);
+   draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d); draw(&e);
+                return 0;
+             }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "invmod")) {  
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+             fp_invmod(&a, &b, &d);
+#if 1
+             fp_mulmod(&d,&a,&b,&e); ++inv_n;
+             if (fp_cmp_d(&e, 1) != FP_EQ) {
+             if (fp_cmp(&d, &c) != FP_EQ) {
+                printf("inv [wrong value from MPI?!] failure\n");
+                draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d);
+                return 0;
+             }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div2")) { ++div2_n;
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+             fp_div_2(&a, &c);
+             if (fp_cmp(&c, &b) != FP_EQ) {
+                 printf("div_2 %lu failure\n", div2_n);
+                 draw(&a);
+                 draw(&b);
+                 draw(&c);
+                 return 0;
+             }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul2")) { ++mul2_n;
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+             fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);  fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+             fp_mul_2(&a, &c);
+             if (fp_cmp(&c, &b) != FP_EQ) {
+                 printf("mul_2 %lu failure\n", mul2_n);
+                 draw(&a);
+                 draw(&b);
+                 draw(&c);
+                 return 0;
+             }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "add_d")) { ++add_d_n;
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%lu", &ix);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+              fp_add_d(&a, ix, &c);
+              if (fp_cmp(&b, &c) != FP_EQ) {
+                 printf("add_d %lu failure\n", add_d_n);
+                 draw(&a);
+                 draw(&b);
+                 draw(&c);
+                 printf("d == %lu\n", ix);
+                 return 0;
+              }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sub_d")) { ++sub_d_n;
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%lu", &ix);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+              fp_sub_d(&a, ix, &c);
+              if (fp_cmp(&b, &c) != FP_EQ) {
+                 printf("sub_d %lu failure\n", sub_d_n);
+                 draw(&a);
+                 draw(&b);
+                 draw(&c);
+                 printf("d == %lu\n", ix);
+                 return 0;
+              }
+       } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul_d")) { ++mul_d_n;
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%lu", &ix);
+              fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); fp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+              fp_mul_d(&a, ix, &c);
+              if (fp_cmp(&b, &c) != FP_EQ) {
+                 printf("mul_d %lu failure\n", sub_d_n);
+                 draw(&a);
+                 draw(&b);
+                 draw(&c);
+                 printf("d == %lu\n", ix);
+                 return 0;
+              }
+       }
+   }
+/* $Source$ */
+/* $Revision$ */
+/* $Date$ */