view src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h @ 191:1c15b283127b libtomcrypt-orig

Import of libtomcrypt 1.02 with manual path rename rearrangement etc
author Matt Johnston <>
date Fri, 06 May 2005 13:23:02 +0000
children 9cc34777b479 39d5d58461d6
line wrap: on
line source

/* This header is meant to be included before mycrypt.h in projects where
 * you don't want to throw all the defines in a makefile. 

/* macros for various libc functions you can change for embedded targets */
#define XMALLOC  malloc
#define XREALLOC realloc
#define XCALLOC  calloc
#define XFREE    free

#define XMEMSET  memset
#define XMEMCPY  memcpy

#define XCLOCK   clock

/* Use small code where possible */
/* #define LTC_SMALL_CODE */

/* Enable self-test test vector checking */
#define LTC_TEST

/* clean the stack of functions which put private information on stack */
/* #define LTC_CLEAN_STACK */

/* disable all file related functions */
/* #define LTC_NO_FILE */

/* disable all forms of ASM */
/* #define LTC_NO_ASM */

/* disable FAST mode */
/* #define LTC_NO_FAST */

/* disable BSWAP on x86 */
/* #define LTC_NO_BSWAP */

/* ---> Symmetric Block Ciphers <--- */
#define BLOWFISH
#define RC2
#define RC5
#define RC6
#define SAFERP
#define RIJNDAEL
#define XTEA
/* _TABLES tells it to use tables during setup, _SMALL means to use the smaller scheduled key format
 * (saves 4KB of ram), _ALL_TABLES enables all tables during setup */
#define TWOFISH
/* #define TWOFISH_ALL_TABLES */
/* #define TWOFISH_SMALL */
/* DES includes EDE triple-DES */
#define DES
#define CAST5
#define NOEKEON
#define SKIPJACK
#define SAFER
#define KHAZAD
#define ANUBIS

/* ---> Block Cipher Modes of Operation <--- */
#define CFB
#define OFB
#define ECB
#define CBC
#define CTR

/* ---> One-Way Hash Functions <--- */
#define CHC_HASH
#define SHA512
#define SHA384
#define SHA256
#define SHA224
#define TIGER
#define SHA1
#define MD5
#define MD4
#define MD2
#define RIPEMD128
#define RIPEMD160

/* ---> MAC functions <--- */
#define HMAC
#define OMAC
#define PMAC
#define PELICAN

#if defined(PELICAN) && !defined(RIJNDAEL)
   #error Pelican-MAC requires RIJNDAEL

/* ---> Encrypt + Authenticate Modes <--- */
#define EAX_MODE
#if defined(EAX_MODE) && !(defined(CTR) && defined(OMAC))
   #error EAX_MODE requires CTR and OMAC mode

#define OCB_MODE
#define CCM_MODE

#define GCM_MODE
/* Use 64KiB tables */
#define GCM_TABLES 

/* Various tidbits of modern neatoness */
#define BASE64

/* --> Pseudo Random Number Generators <--- */
/* Yarrow */
#define YARROW
/* which descriptor of AES to use?  */
/* 0 = rijndael_enc 1 = aes_enc, 2 = rijndael [full], 3 = aes [full] */
#define YARROW_AES 0

#if defined(YARROW) && !defined(CTR)
   #error YARROW requires CTR chaining mode to be defined!

/* a PRNG that simply reads from an available system source */
#define SPRNG

/* The RC4 stream cipher */
#define RC4

/* Fortuna PRNG */
#define FORTUNA
/* reseed every N calls to the read function */
#define FORTUNA_WD    10
/* number of pools (4..32) can save a bit of ram by lowering the count */
#define FORTUNA_POOLS 32

/* Greg's SOBER128 PRNG ;-0 */
#define SOBER128

/* the *nix style /dev/random device */
/* try /dev/urandom before trying /dev/random */

/* ---> Public Key Crypto <--- */
#define MRSA

/* Digital Signature Algorithm */
#define MDSA
/* Max diff between group and modulus size in bytes */
#define MDSA_DELTA     512
/* Max DSA group size in bytes (default allows 4k-bit groups) */
#define MDSA_MAX_GROUP 512

/* Diffie-Hellman */
#define MDH
/* Supported Key Sizes */
#define DH768
#define DH1024
#define DH1280
#define DH1536
#define DH1792
#define DH2048
#define DH2560
#define DH3072
#define DH4096

/* ECC */
#define MECC
/* Supported Key Sizes */
#define ECC160
#define ECC192
#define ECC224
#define ECC256
#define ECC384
#define ECC521

/* Include the MPI functionality?  (required by the PK algorithms) */
#define MPI

/* PKCS #1 (RSA) and #5 (Password Handling) stuff */
#define PKCS_1
#define PKCS_5

/* Include ASN.1 DER (required by DSA/RSA) */
#define LTC_DER
#if defined(LTC_DER) && !defined(MPI) 
   #error ASN.1 DER requires MPI functionality

#if (defined(MDSA) || defined(MRSA)) && !defined(LTC_DER)
   #error RSA/DSA requires ASN.1 DER functionality, make sure LTC_DER is enabled
