view libtomcrypt/doc/makefile @ 1788:1fc0012b9c38

Fix handling of replies to global requests (#112) The current code assumes that all global requests want / need a reply. This isn't always true and the request itself indicates if it wants a reply or not. It causes a specific problem with [email protected] messages. These are sent by OpenSSH after authentication to inform the client of potential other host keys for the host. This can be used to add a new type of host key or to rotate host keys. The initial information message from the server is sent as a global request, but with want_reply set to false. This means that the server doesn't expect an answer to this message. Instead the client needs to send a prove request as a reply if it wants to receive proof of ownership for the host keys. The bug doesn't cause any current problems with due to how OpenSSH treats receiving the failure message. It instead treats it as a keepalive message and further ignores it. Arguably this is a protocol violation though of Dropbear and it is only accidental that it doesn't cause a problem with OpenSSH. The bug was found when adding host keys support to libssh, which is more strict protocol wise and treats the unexpected failure message an error, also see for more information. The fix here is to honor the want_reply flag in the global request and to only send a reply if the other side expects a reply.
author Dirkjan Bussink <>
date Thu, 10 Dec 2020 16:13:13 +0100
parents 6dba84798cd5
line wrap: on
line source

ifeq ($V,1)
silent_stdout= > /dev/null

#Files left over from making the crypt.pdf.
LEFTOVERS=*.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.out *.lof

#build the doxy files (requires Doxygen, tetex and patience)
.PHONY: doxygen
	doxygen $(silent_stdout)

	(cat Doxyfile && echo "HAVE_DOT=no") | doxygen - $(silent_stdout)

doxy: patched_doxygen
	${MAKE} -C doxygen/latex $(silent_stdout) && mv -f doxygen/latex/refman.pdf .
	@echo The huge doxygen PDF should be available as doc/refman.pdf

#This builds the crypt.pdf file. Note that the rm -f *.pdf has been removed
#from the clean command! This is because most people would like to keep the
#nice pre-compiled crypt.pdf that comes with libtomcrypt! We only need to
#delete it if we are rebuilding it.
docs crypt.pdf: crypt.tex
	rm -f crypt.pdf $(LEFTOVERS)
	cp crypt.tex crypt.bak
	touch -r crypt.tex crypt.bak
	(printf "%s" "\def\fixedpdfdate{"; date +'D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%:z' -d @$$(stat --format=%Y crypt.tex) | sed "s/:\([0-9][0-9]\)$$/'\1'}/g") > crypt-deterministic.tex
	printf "%s\n" "\pdfinfo{" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
	printf "%s\n" "  /CreationDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
	printf "%s\n}\n" "  /ModDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> crypt-deterministic.tex
	cat crypt.tex >> crypt-deterministic.tex
	mv crypt-deterministic.tex crypt.tex
	touch -r crypt.bak crypt.tex
	echo "hello" > crypt.ind
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	makeindex crypt.idx $(silent_stdout)
	perl ../ --fixupind crypt.ind
	pdflatex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	sed -b -i 's,^/ID \[.*\]$$,/ID [<0> <0>],g' crypt.pdf
	mv crypt.bak crypt.tex
	rm -f $(LEFTOVERS)

docdvi: crypt.tex
	echo hello > crypt.ind
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	makeindex crypt.idx
	perl ../ --fixupind crypt.ind
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)
	latex crypt $(silent_stdout)

termdoc: docdvi
	dvi2tty crypt.dvi -w120

	rm -f $(LEFTOVERS)
	rm -rf doxygen/