view libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h @ 1629:258b57b208ae

Fix for issue successfull login of disabled user (#78) This commit introduces fix for scenario: 1. Root login disabled on dropbear 2. PAM authentication model enabled While login as root user, after prompt for password user is being notified about login failrue, but after second attempt of prompt for password within same session, login becames succesfull. Signed-off-by: Pawel Rapkiewicz <[email protected]>
author vincentto13 <>
date Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:03:40 +0100
parents 6dba84798cd5
line wrap: on
line source

/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
 * LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
 * algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
 * The library is free for all purposes without any express
 * guarantee it works.

/** math functions **/

#define LTC_MP_LT   -1
#define LTC_MP_EQ    0
#define LTC_MP_GT    1

#define LTC_MP_NO    0
#define LTC_MP_YES   1

#ifndef LTC_MECC
   typedef void ecc_point;

#ifndef LTC_MRSA
   typedef void rsa_key;

   /* Number of rounds of the Miller-Rabin test
    * "Reasonable values of reps are between 15 and 50." c.f. gmp doc of mpz_probab_prime_p()
    * As of we should use 40 rounds */
   #define LTC_MILLER_RABIN_REPS    40

int radix_to_bin(const void *in, int radix, void *out, unsigned long *len);

/** math descriptor */
typedef struct {
   /** Name of the math provider */
   const char *name;

   /** Bits per digit, amount of bits must fit in an unsigned long */
   int  bits_per_digit;

/* ---- init/deinit functions ---- */

   /** initialize a bignum
     @param   a     The number to initialize
     @return  CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*init)(void **a);

   /** init copy
     @param  dst    The number to initialize and write to
     @param  src    The number to copy from
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*init_copy)(void **dst, void *src);

   /** deinit
      @param   a    The number to free
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   void (*deinit)(void *a);

/* ---- data movement ---- */

   /** negate
      @param   src   The number to negate
      @param   dst   The destination
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*neg)(void *src, void *dst);

   /** copy
      @param   src   The number to copy from
      @param   dst   The number to write to
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*copy)(void *src, void *dst);

/* ---- trivial low level functions ---- */

   /** set small constant
      @param a    Number to write to
      @param n    Source upto bits_per_digit (actually meant for very small constants)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*set_int)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit n);

   /** get small constant
      @param a  Small number to read,
                only fetches up to bits_per_digit from the number
      @return   The lower bits_per_digit of the integer (unsigned)
   unsigned long (*get_int)(void *a);

   /** get digit n
     @param a  The number to read from
     @param n  The number of the digit to fetch
     @return  The bits_per_digit  sized n'th digit of a
   ltc_mp_digit (*get_digit)(void *a, int n);

   /** Get the number of digits that represent the number
     @param a   The number to count
     @return The number of digits used to represent the number
   int (*get_digit_count)(void *a);

   /** compare two integers
     @param a   The left side integer
     @param b   The right side integer
     @return LTC_MP_LT if a < b,
             LTC_MP_GT if a > b and
             LTC_MP_EQ otherwise.  (signed comparison)
   int (*compare)(void *a, void *b);

   /** compare against int
     @param a   The left side integer
     @param b   The right side integer (upto bits_per_digit)
     @return LTC_MP_LT if a < b,
             LTC_MP_GT if a > b and
             LTC_MP_EQ otherwise.  (signed comparison)
   int (*compare_d)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit n);

   /** Count the number of bits used to represent the integer
     @param a   The integer to count
     @return The number of bits required to represent the integer
   int (*count_bits)(void * a);

   /** Count the number of LSB bits which are zero
     @param a   The integer to count
     @return The number of contiguous zero LSB bits
   int (*count_lsb_bits)(void *a);

   /** Compute a power of two
     @param a  The integer to store the power in
     @param n  The power of two you want to store (a = 2^n)
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*twoexpt)(void *a , int n);

/* ---- radix conversions ---- */

   /** read ascii string
     @param a     The integer to store into
     @param str   The string to read
     @param radix The radix the integer has been represented in (2-64)
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*read_radix)(void *a, const char *str, int radix);

   /** write number to string
     @param a     The integer to store
     @param str   The destination for the string
     @param radix The radix the integer is to be represented in (2-64)
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*write_radix)(void *a, char *str, int radix);

   /** get size as unsigned char string
     @param a  The integer to get the size (when stored in array of octets)
     @return   The length of the integer in octets
   unsigned long (*unsigned_size)(void *a);

   /** store an integer as an array of octets
     @param src   The integer to store
     @param dst   The buffer to store the integer in
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*unsigned_write)(void *src, unsigned char *dst);

   /** read an array of octets and store as integer
     @param dst   The integer to load
     @param src   The array of octets
     @param len   The number of octets
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*unsigned_read)(         void *dst,
                        unsigned char *src,
                        unsigned long  len);

/* ---- basic math ---- */

   /** add two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
     @param c   The destination of "a + b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*add)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** add two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
                (single digit of upto bits_per_digit in length)
     @param c   The destination of "a + b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*addi)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit b, void *c);

   /** subtract two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
     @param c   The destination of "a - b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*sub)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** subtract two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
                (single digit of upto bits_per_digit in length)
     @param c   The destination of "a - b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*subi)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit b, void *c);

   /** multiply two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
                (single digit of upto bits_per_digit in length)
     @param c   The destination of "a * b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*mul)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** multiply two integers
     @param a   The first source integer
     @param b   The second source integer
                (single digit of upto bits_per_digit in length)
     @param c   The destination of "a * b"
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*muli)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit b, void *c);

   /** Square an integer
     @param a    The integer to square
     @param b    The destination
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*sqr)(void *a, void *b);

   /** Divide an integer
     @param a    The dividend
     @param b    The divisor
     @param c    The quotient (can be NULL to signify don't care)
     @param d    The remainder (can be NULL to signify don't care)
     @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*mpdiv)(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);

   /** divide by two
      @param  a   The integer to divide (shift right)
      @param  b   The destination
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*div_2)(void *a, void *b);

   /** Get remainder (small value)
      @param  a    The integer to reduce
      @param  b    The modulus (upto bits_per_digit in length)
      @param  c    The destination for the residue
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*modi)(void *a, ltc_mp_digit b, ltc_mp_digit *c);

   /** gcd
      @param  a     The first integer
      @param  b     The second integer
      @param  c     The destination for (a, b)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*gcd)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** lcm
      @param  a     The first integer
      @param  b     The second integer
      @param  c     The destination for [a, b]
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*lcm)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** Modular multiplication
      @param  a     The first source
      @param  b     The second source
      @param  c     The modulus
      @param  d     The destination (a*b mod c)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*mulmod)(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);

   /** Modular squaring
      @param  a     The first source
      @param  b     The modulus
      @param  c     The destination (a*a mod b)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*sqrmod)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** Modular inversion
      @param  a     The value to invert
      @param  b     The modulus
      @param  c     The destination (1/a mod b)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*invmod)(void *, void *, void *);

/* ---- reduction ---- */

   /** setup Montgomery
       @param a  The modulus
       @param b  The destination for the reduction digit
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*montgomery_setup)(void *a, void **b);

   /** get normalization value
       @param a   The destination for the normalization value
       @param b   The modulus
       @return  CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*montgomery_normalization)(void *a, void *b);

   /** reduce a number
       @param a   The number [and dest] to reduce
       @param b   The modulus
       @param c   The value "b" from montgomery_setup()
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*montgomery_reduce)(void *a, void *b, void *c);

   /** clean up  (frees memory)
       @param a   The value "b" from montgomery_setup()
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   void (*montgomery_deinit)(void *a);

/* ---- exponentiation ---- */

   /** Modular exponentiation
       @param a    The base integer
       @param b    The power (can be negative) integer
       @param c    The modulus integer
       @param d    The destination
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*exptmod)(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);

   /** Primality testing
       @param a     The integer to test
       @param b     The number of Miller-Rabin tests that shall be executed
       @param c     The destination of the result (FP_YES if prime)
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*isprime)(void *a, int b, int *c);

/* ----  (optional) ecc point math ---- */

   /** ECC GF(p) point multiplication (from the NIST curves)
       @param k   The integer to multiply the point by
       @param G   The point to multiply
       @param R   The destination for kG
       @param modulus  The modulus for the field
       @param map Boolean indicated whether to map back to affine or not
                  (can be ignored if you work in affine only)
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*ecc_ptmul)(     void *k,
                    ecc_point *G,
                    ecc_point *R,
                         void *modulus,
                          int  map);

   /** ECC GF(p) point addition
       @param P    The first point
       @param Q    The second point
       @param R    The destination of P + Q
       @param modulus  The modulus
       @param mp   The "b" value from montgomery_setup()
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*ecc_ptadd)(ecc_point *P,
                    ecc_point *Q,
                    ecc_point *R,
                         void *modulus,
                         void *mp);

   /** ECC GF(p) point double
       @param P    The first point
       @param R    The destination of 2P
       @param modulus  The modulus
       @param mp   The "b" value from montgomery_setup()
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*ecc_ptdbl)(ecc_point *P,
                    ecc_point *R,
                         void *modulus,
                         void *mp);

   /** ECC mapping from projective to affine,
       currently uses (x,y,z) => (x/z^2, y/z^3, 1)
       @param P     The point to map
       @param modulus The modulus
       @param mp    The "b" value from montgomery_setup()
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
       @remark The mapping can be different but keep in mind a
               ecc_point only has three integers (x,y,z) so if
               you use a different mapping you have to make it fit.
   int (*ecc_map)(ecc_point *P, void *modulus, void *mp);

   /** Computes kA*A + kB*B = C using Shamir's Trick
       @param A        First point to multiply
       @param kA       What to multiple A by
       @param B        Second point to multiply
       @param kB       What to multiple B by
       @param C        [out] Destination point (can overlap with A or B)
       @param modulus  Modulus for curve
       @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*ecc_mul2add)(ecc_point *A, void *kA,
                      ecc_point *B, void *kB,
                      ecc_point *C,
                           void *modulus);

/* ---- (optional) rsa optimized math (for internal CRT) ---- */

   /** RSA Key Generation
       @param prng     An active PRNG state
       @param wprng    The index of the PRNG desired
       @param size     The size of the key in octets
       @param e        The "e" value (public key).
                       e==65537 is a good choice
       @param key      [out] Destination of a newly created private key pair
       @return CRYPT_OK if successful, upon error all allocated ram is freed
    int (*rsa_keygen)(prng_state *prng,
                             int  wprng,
                             int  size,
                            long  e,
                         rsa_key *key);

   /** RSA exponentiation
      @param in       The octet array representing the base
      @param inlen    The length of the input
      @param out      The destination (to be stored in an octet array format)
      @param outlen   The length of the output buffer and the resulting size
                      (zero padded to the size of the modulus)
      @param which    PK_PUBLIC for public RSA and PK_PRIVATE for private RSA
      @param key      The RSA key to use
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*rsa_me)(const unsigned char *in,   unsigned long inlen,
                       unsigned char *out,  unsigned long *outlen, int which,
                       rsa_key *key);

/* ---- basic math continued ---- */

   /** Modular addition
      @param  a     The first source
      @param  b     The second source
      @param  c     The modulus
      @param  d     The destination (a + b mod c)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*addmod)(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);

   /** Modular substraction
      @param  a     The first source
      @param  b     The second source
      @param  c     The modulus
      @param  d     The destination (a - b mod c)
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*submod)(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);

/* ---- misc stuff ---- */

   /** Make a pseudo-random mpi
      @param  a     The mpi to make random
      @param  size  The desired length
      @return CRYPT_OK on success
   int (*rand)(void *a, int size);
} ltc_math_descriptor;

extern ltc_math_descriptor ltc_mp;

int ltc_init_multi(void **a, ...);
void ltc_deinit_multi(void *a, ...);
void ltc_cleanup_multi(void **a, ...);

#ifdef LTM_DESC
extern const ltc_math_descriptor ltm_desc;

#ifdef TFM_DESC
extern const ltc_math_descriptor tfm_desc;

#ifdef GMP_DESC
extern const ltc_math_descriptor gmp_desc;

#if !defined(DESC_DEF_ONLY) && defined(LTC_SOURCE)

#define MP_DIGIT_BIT                 ltc_mp.bits_per_digit

/* some handy macros */
#define mp_init(a)                   ltc_mp.init(a)
#define mp_init_multi                ltc_init_multi
#define mp_clear(a)                  ltc_mp.deinit(a)
#define mp_clear_multi               ltc_deinit_multi
#define mp_cleanup_multi             ltc_cleanup_multi
#define mp_init_copy(a, b)           ltc_mp.init_copy(a, b)

#define mp_neg(a, b)                 ltc_mp.neg(a, b)
#define mp_copy(a, b)                ltc_mp.copy(a, b)

#define mp_set(a, b)                 ltc_mp.set_int(a, b)
#define mp_set_int(a, b)             ltc_mp.set_int(a, b)
#define mp_get_int(a)                ltc_mp.get_int(a)
#define mp_get_digit(a, n)           ltc_mp.get_digit(a, n)
#define mp_get_digit_count(a)        ltc_mp.get_digit_count(a)
#define mp_cmp(a, b)       , b)
#define mp_cmp_d(a, b)               ltc_mp.compare_d(a, b)
#define mp_count_bits(a)             ltc_mp.count_bits(a)
#define mp_cnt_lsb(a)                ltc_mp.count_lsb_bits(a)
#define mp_2expt(a, b)               ltc_mp.twoexpt(a, b)

#define mp_read_radix(a, b, c)       ltc_mp.read_radix(a, b, c)
#define mp_toradix(a, b, c)          ltc_mp.write_radix(a, b, c)
#define mp_unsigned_bin_size(a)      ltc_mp.unsigned_size(a)
#define mp_to_unsigned_bin(a, b)     ltc_mp.unsigned_write(a, b)
#define mp_read_unsigned_bin(a, b, c) ltc_mp.unsigned_read(a, b, c)

#define mp_add(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.add(a, b, c)
#define mp_add_d(a, b, c)            ltc_mp.addi(a, b, c)
#define mp_sub(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.sub(a, b, c)
#define mp_sub_d(a, b, c)            ltc_mp.subi(a, b, c)
#define mp_mul(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.mul(a, b, c)
#define mp_mul_d(a, b, c)            ltc_mp.muli(a, b, c)
#define mp_sqr(a, b)                 ltc_mp.sqr(a, b)
#define mp_div(a, b, c, d)           ltc_mp.mpdiv(a, b, c, d)
#define mp_div_2(a, b)               ltc_mp.div_2(a, b)
#define mp_mod(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.mpdiv(a, b, NULL, c)
#define mp_mod_d(a, b, c)            ltc_mp.modi(a, b, c)
#define mp_gcd(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.gcd(a, b, c)
#define mp_lcm(a, b, c)              ltc_mp.lcm(a, b, c)

#define mp_addmod(a, b, c, d)        ltc_mp.addmod(a, b, c, d)
#define mp_submod(a, b, c, d)        ltc_mp.submod(a, b, c, d)
#define mp_mulmod(a, b, c, d)        ltc_mp.mulmod(a, b, c, d)
#define mp_sqrmod(a, b, c)           ltc_mp.sqrmod(a, b, c)
#define mp_invmod(a, b, c)           ltc_mp.invmod(a, b, c)

#define mp_montgomery_setup(a, b)    ltc_mp.montgomery_setup(a, b)
#define mp_montgomery_normalization(a, b) ltc_mp.montgomery_normalization(a, b)
#define mp_montgomery_reduce(a, b, c)   ltc_mp.montgomery_reduce(a, b, c)
#define mp_montgomery_free(a)        ltc_mp.montgomery_deinit(a)

#define mp_exptmod(a,b,c,d)          ltc_mp.exptmod(a,b,c,d)
#define mp_prime_is_prime(a, b, c)   ltc_mp.isprime(a, b, c)

#define mp_iszero(a)                 (mp_cmp_d(a, 0) == LTC_MP_EQ ? LTC_MP_YES : LTC_MP_NO)
#define mp_isodd(a)                  (mp_get_digit_count(a) > 0 ? (mp_get_digit(a, 0) & 1 ? LTC_MP_YES : LTC_MP_NO) : LTC_MP_NO)
#define mp_exch(a, b)                do { void *ABC__tmp = a; a = b; b = ABC__tmp; } while(0)

#define mp_tohex(a, b)               mp_toradix(a, b, 16)

#define mp_rand(a, b)                ltc_mp.rand(a, b)


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