view libtommath/makefile.icc @ 1629:258b57b208ae

Fix for issue successfull login of disabled user (#78) This commit introduces fix for scenario: 1. Root login disabled on dropbear 2. PAM authentication model enabled While login as root user, after prompt for password user is being notified about login failrue, but after second attempt of prompt for password within same session, login becames succesfull. Signed-off-by: Pawel Rapkiewicz <[email protected]>
author vincentto13 <>
date Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:03:40 +0100
parents 60fc6476e044
line wrap: on
line source

#Makefile for ICC
#Tom St Denis

CFLAGS  +=  -I./

# optimize for SPEED
# -mcpu= can be pentium, pentiumpro (covers PII through PIII) or pentium4
# -ax?   specifies make code specifically for ? but compatible with IA-32
# -x?    specifies compile solely for ? [not specifically IA-32 compatible]
# where ? is
#   K - PIII
#   W - first P4 [Williamette]
#   N - P4 Northwood
#   P - P4 Prescott
#   B - Blend of P4 and PM [mobile]
# Default to just generic max opts
CFLAGS += -O3 -xP -ip

#install as this user

default: libtommath.a

#default files to install

#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtommath.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.

OBJECTS=bncore.o bn_error.o bn_fast_mp_invmod.o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o \
bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_2expt.o bn_mp_abs.o bn_mp_add.o bn_mp_add_d.o \
bn_mp_addmod.o bn_mp_and.o bn_mp_clamp.o bn_mp_clear.o bn_mp_clear_multi.o bn_mp_cmp.o bn_mp_cmp_d.o \
bn_mp_cmp_mag.o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o bn_mp_copy.o bn_mp_count_bits.o bn_mp_div_2.o bn_mp_div_2d.o bn_mp_div_3.o \
bn_mp_div.o bn_mp_div_d.o bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o bn_mp_dr_reduce.o bn_mp_dr_setup.o bn_mp_exch.o \
bn_mp_export.o bn_mp_expt_d.o bn_mp_expt_d_ex.o bn_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o bn_mp_exteuclid.o \
bn_mp_fread.o bn_mp_fwrite.o bn_mp_gcd.o bn_mp_get_int.o bn_mp_get_long.o bn_mp_get_long_long.o \
bn_mp_grow.o bn_mp_import.o bn_mp_init.o bn_mp_init_copy.o bn_mp_init_multi.o bn_mp_init_set.o \
bn_mp_init_set_int.o bn_mp_init_size.o bn_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_invmod_slow.o bn_mp_is_square.o \
bn_mp_jacobi.o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o bn_mp_lcm.o bn_mp_lshd.o bn_mp_mod_2d.o \
bn_mp_mod.o bn_mp_mod_d.o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o \
bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o bn_mp_mul_2.o bn_mp_mul_2d.o bn_mp_mul.o bn_mp_mul_d.o bn_mp_mulmod.o bn_mp_neg.o \
bn_mp_n_root.o bn_mp_n_root_ex.o bn_mp_or.o bn_mp_prime_fermat.o bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o \
bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o \
bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o bn_mp_radix_size.o bn_mp_radix_smap.o \
bn_mp_rand.o bn_mp_read_radix.o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_reduce_2k.o \
bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o bn_mp_reduce.o \
bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_setup.o bn_mp_rshd.o bn_mp_set.o bn_mp_set_int.o \
bn_mp_set_long.o bn_mp_set_long_long.o bn_mp_shrink.o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o bn_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_sqrmod.o \
bn_mp_sqrt.o bn_mp_sqrtmod_prime.o bn_mp_sub.o bn_mp_sub_d.o bn_mp_submod.o bn_mp_toom_mul.o \
bn_mp_toom_sqr.o bn_mp_toradix.o bn_mp_toradix_n.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o \
bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o bn_mp_xor.o bn_mp_zero.o \
bn_prime_tab.o bn_reverse.o bn_s_mp_add.o bn_s_mp_exptmod.o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o \
bn_s_mp_sqr.o bn_s_mp_sub.o


HEADERS=tommath.h tommath_class.h tommath_superclass.h

libtommath.a:  $(OBJECTS)
	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libtommath.a $(OBJECTS)
	ranlib libtommath.a

#make a profiled library (takes a while!!!)
# This will build the library with profile generation
# then run the test demo and rebuild the library.
# So far I've seen improvements in the MP math
	make -f makefile.icc CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -prof_gen -DTESTING" timing
	rm -f *.a *.o ltmtest
	make -f makefile.icc CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -prof_use"

#make a single object profiled library
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -prof_gen -DTESTING -c mpi.c -o mpi.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTESTING -DTIMER demo/demo.c mpi.o -o ltmtest
	rm -f *.o ltmtest
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -prof_use -ip -DTESTING -c mpi.c -o mpi.o
	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libtommath.a mpi.o
	ranlib libtommath.a

install: libtommath.a
	install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
	install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
	install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
	install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)

test: libtommath.a demo/demo.o
	$(CC) demo/demo.o libtommath.a -o test

mtest: test
	cd mtest ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mtest.c -o mtest

timing: libtommath.a
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTIMER demo/timing.c libtommath.a -o ltmtest

	rm -f *.bat *.pdf *.o *.a *.obj *.lib *.exe *.dll etclib/*.o demo/demo.o test ltmtest mpitest mtest/mtest mtest/mtest.exe \
        *.idx *.toc *.log *.aux *.dvi *.lof *.ind *.ilg *.ps *.log *.s mpi.c *.il etc/*.il *.dyn
	cd etc ; make clean
	cd pics ; make clean