view libtomcrypt/testprof/ecc_test.c @ 1861:2b3a8026a6ce

Add re-exec for server This allows ASLR to re-randomize the address space for every connection, preventing some vulnerabilities from being exploitable by repeated probing. Overhead (memory and time) is yet to be confirmed. At present this is only enabled on Linux. Other BSD platforms with fexecve() would probably also work though have not been tested.
author Matt Johnston <>
date Sun, 30 Jan 2022 10:14:56 +0800
parents f849a5ca2efc
line wrap: on
line source

#include <tomcrypt_test.h>

#ifdef LTC_MECC

static int sizes[] = {
#ifdef ECC112
#ifdef ECC128
#ifdef ECC160
#ifdef ECC192
#ifdef ECC224
#ifdef ECC256
#ifdef ECC384
#ifdef ECC521

int ecc_test_shamir(void)
   void *modulus, *mp, *kA, *kB, *rA, *rB;
   ecc_point *G, *A, *B, *C1, *C2;
   int x, y, z;
   unsigned char buf[ECC_BUF_SIZE];

   DO(mp_init_multi(&kA, &kB, &rA, &rB, &modulus, NULL));
   LTC_ARGCHK((G  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((A  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((B  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((C1 = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((C2 = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);

   for (x = 0; x < (int)(sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); x++) {
       /* get the base point */
       for (z = 0; ltc_ecc_sets[z].name; z++) {
           if (sizes[z] < ltc_ecc_sets[z].size) break;
       LTC_ARGCHK(ltc_ecc_sets[z].name != NULL);

       /* load it */
       DO(mp_read_radix(G->x, ltc_ecc_sets[z].Gx, 16));
       DO(mp_read_radix(G->y, ltc_ecc_sets[z].Gy, 16));
       DO(mp_set(G->z, 1));
       DO(mp_read_radix(modulus, ltc_ecc_sets[z].prime, 16));
       DO(mp_montgomery_setup(modulus, &mp));

       /* do 100 random tests */
       for (y = 0; y < 100; y++) {
          /* pick a random r1, r2 */
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(rA, buf, sizes[x]));
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(rB, buf, sizes[x]));

          /* compute rA * G = A */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(rA, G, A, modulus, 1));
          /* compute rB * G = B */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(rB, G, B, modulus, 1));

          /* pick a random kA, kB */
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(kA, buf, sizes[x]));
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(kB, buf, sizes[x]));

          /* now, compute kA*A + kB*B = C1 using the older method */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(kA, A, C1, modulus, 0));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(kB, B, C2, modulus, 0));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptadd(C1, C2, C1, modulus, mp));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_map(C1, modulus, mp));

          /* now compute using mul2add */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_mul2add(A, kA, B, kB, C2, modulus));

          /* is they the sames?  */
          if ((mp_cmp(C1->x, C2->x) != LTC_MP_EQ) || (mp_cmp(C1->y, C2->y) != LTC_MP_EQ) || (mp_cmp(C1->z, C2->z) != LTC_MP_EQ)) {
             fprintf(stderr, "ECC failed shamir test: size=%d, testno=%d\n", sizes[x], y);
             return 1;
  mp_clear_multi(kA, kB, rA, rB, modulus, NULL);
  return 0;

int ecc_tests (void)
  unsigned char buf[4][4096];
  unsigned long x, y, z, s;
  int           stat, stat2;
  ecc_key usera, userb, pubKey, privKey;
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());

  for (s = 0; s < (sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); s++) {
     /* make up two keys */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &userb));

     /* make the shared secret */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[0], &x));

     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&userb, &usera, buf[1], &y));

     if (y != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys are not same size.");
       return 1;

     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[1], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys not same contents.");
       return 1;

     /* now export userb */
     y = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export (buf[1], &y, PK_PUBLIC, &userb));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* import and make the shared secret again */
     DO(ecc_import (buf[1], y, &userb));

     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     /* export with ANSI X9.63 */
     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_export(&userb, buf[1], &y));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* now import the ANSI key */
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_import(buf[1], y, &userb));

     /* shared secret */
     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     ecc_free (&usera);
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* test encrypt_key */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));

     /* export key */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PUBLIC, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &pubKey));
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PRIVATE, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &privKey));

     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     y = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_encrypt_key (buf[0], 32, buf[1], &y, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), find_hash ("sha256"), &pubKey));
     zeromem (buf[0], sizeof (buf[0]));
     x = sizeof (buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_decrypt_key (buf[1], y, buf[0], &x, &privKey));
     if (x != 32) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed (length)");
       return 1;
     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        if (buf[0][x] != x) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Failed (contents)");
           return 1;
     /* test sign_hash */
     for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     x = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_sign_hash (buf[0], 16, buf[1], &x, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), &privKey));
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat, &pubKey));
     buf[0][0] ^= 1;
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat2, &privKey));
     if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) { 
        fprintf(stderr, "ecc_verify_hash failed %d, %d, ", stat, stat2);
        return 1;
     ecc_free (&usera); 
     ecc_free (&pubKey);
     ecc_free (&privKey);
  return ecc_test_shamir();
  return 0;


int ecc_tests(void)
   fprintf(stderr, "NOP");
   return 0;


/* $Source$ */
/* $Revision$ */
/* $Date$ */