view logs/graphs.dem @ 157:3a616069cc21 libtommath

tommath_class.h: make sure that toom and karatsuba code really doesn't get compiled in.
author Matt Johnston <>
date Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:13:44 +0000
parents d29b64170cf0
line wrap: on
line source

set terminal png
set size 1.75
set ylabel "Cycles per Operation"
set xlabel "Operand size (bits)"

set output "addsub.png"
plot 'add.log' smooth bezier title "Addition", 'sub.log' smooth bezier title "Subtraction"

set output "mult.png"
plot 'sqr.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (without Karatsuba)", 'sqr_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (Karatsuba)", 'mult.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (without Karatsuba)", 'mult_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (Karatsuba)"

set output "expt.png"
plot 'expt.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Montgomery)", 'expt_dr.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Dimminished Radix)", 'expt_2k.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (2k Reduction)"

set output "invmod.png"
plot 'invmod.log' smooth bezier title "Modular Inverse"