view libtomcrypt/ @ 1790:42745af83b7d

Introduce extra delay before closing unauthenticated sessions To make it harder for attackers, introduce a delay to keep an unauthenticated session open a bit longer, thus blocking a connection slot until after the delay. Without this, while there is a limit on the amount of attempts an attacker can make at the same time (MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP), the time taken by dropbear to handle one attempt is still short and thus for each of the allowed parallel attempts many attempts can be chained one after the other. The attempt rate is then: "MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP / <process time of one attempt>". With the delay, this rate becomes: "MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP / UNAUTH_CLOSE_DELAY".
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Wed, 15 Feb 2017 13:53:04 +0100
parents 6dba84798cd5
line wrap: on
line source


if [ $# -lt 2 ]
  echo "usage is: ${0##*/} <path to coverity scan> <extra compiler options>"
  echo "e.g. \"${0##*/} \"/usr/local/bin/coverity\" \"-DLTM_DESC -I/path/to/libtommath/\"\""
  exit -1


make clean
rm -r cov-int/

myCflags="$myCflags -O2 ${2}"
myCflags="$myCflags -pipe -Werror -Wpointer-arith -Winit-self -Wextra -Wall -Wformat -Wformat-security"

CFLAGS="$myCflags" cov-build --dir cov-int  make -f makefile.unix $MAKE_OPTS IGNORE_SPEED=1 1>gcc_1.txt

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
  echo "make failed"
  exit -1

# zipup everything
tar caf libtomcrypt.lzma cov-int

mytoken=$(cat .coverity_token)
mymail=$(cat .coverity_mail)
myversion=$(git describe --dirty)

curl -k --form project=libtomcrypt \
  --form token=${mytoken} \
  --form email=${mymail} \
  --form file=@libtomcrypt.lzma \
  --form version=\"${myversion}\" \
  --form description="\"libtomcrypt version ${myversion}\"" \