view libtommath/ @ 1790:42745af83b7d

Introduce extra delay before closing unauthenticated sessions To make it harder for attackers, introduce a delay to keep an unauthenticated session open a bit longer, thus blocking a connection slot until after the delay. Without this, while there is a limit on the amount of attempts an attacker can make at the same time (MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP), the time taken by dropbear to handle one attempt is still short and thus for each of the allowed parallel attempts many attempts can be chained one after the other. The attempt rate is then: "MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP / <process time of one attempt>". With the delay, this rate becomes: "MAX_UNAUTH_PER_IP / UNAUTH_CLOSE_DELAY".
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Wed, 15 Feb 2017 13:53:04 +0100
parents 1051e4eea25a
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find 'find';
use File::Basename 'basename';
use File::Glob 'bsd_glob';

sub read_file {
  my $f = shift;
  open my $fh, "<", $f or die "FATAL: read_rawfile() cannot open file '$f': $!";
  binmode $fh;
  return do { local $/; <$fh> };

sub write_file {
  my ($f, $data) = @_;
  die "FATAL: write_file() no data" unless defined $data;
  open my $fh, ">", $f or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot open file '$f': $!";
  binmode $fh;
  print $fh $data or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot write to '$f': $!";
  close $fh or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot close '$f': $!";

sub sanitize_comments {
  my($content) = @_;
  $content =~ s{/\*(.*?)\*/}{my $x=$1; $x =~ s/\w/x/g; "/*$x*/";}egs;
  return $content;

sub check_source {
  my @all_files = (

  my $fails = 0;
  for my $file (sort @all_files) {
    my $troubles = {};
    my $lineno = 1;
    my $content = read_file($file);
    $content = sanitize_comments $content;
    push @{$troubles->{crlf_line_end}}, '?' if $content =~ /\r/;
    for my $l (split /\n/, $content) {
      push @{$troubles->{merge_conflict}},     $lineno if $l =~ /^(<<<<<<<|=======|>>>>>>>)([^<=>]|$)/;
      push @{$troubles->{trailing_space}},     $lineno if $l =~ / $/;
      push @{$troubles->{tab}},                $lineno if $l =~ /\t/ && basename($file) !~ /^makefile/i;
      push @{$troubles->{non_ascii_char}},     $lineno if $l =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/;
      push @{$troubles->{cpp_comment}},        $lineno if $file =~ /\.(c|h)$/ && ($l =~ /\s\/\// || $l =~ /\/\/\s/);
      # we prefer using XMALLOC, XFREE, XREALLOC, XCALLOC ...
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_malloc}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmalloc\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_realloc}},   $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\brealloc\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_calloc}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bcalloc\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_free}},      $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bfree\s*\(/;
      # and we probably want to also avoid the following
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memset}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemset\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memmove}},   $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemmove\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcmp}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcmp\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_strcmp}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bstrcmp\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_strcpy}},    $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bstrcpy\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_strncpy}},   $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bstrncpy\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_clock}},     $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bclock\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{unwanted_qsort}},     $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bqsort\s*\(/;
      push @{$troubles->{sizeof_no_brackets}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^[^\/]+\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bsizeof\s*[^\(]/;
      if ($file =~ m|^[^\/]+\.c$| && $l =~ /^static(\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)+\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\(/) {
        my $funcname = $2;
        # static functions should start with s_
        push @{$troubles->{staticfunc_name}}, "$lineno($funcname)" if $funcname !~ /^s_/;
    for my $k (sort keys %$troubles) {
      warn "[$k] $file line:" . join(",", @{$troubles->{$k}}) . "\n";

  warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-source:    FAIL $fails\n" : "check-source:    PASS\n" );
  return $fails;

sub check_comments {
  my $fails = 0;
  my $first_comment = <<'MARKER';
/* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */
  #my @all_files = (bsd_glob("*.{h,c}"), bsd_glob("*/*.{h,c}"));
  my @all_files = (bsd_glob("*.{h,c}"));
  for my $f (@all_files) {
    my $txt = read_file($f);
    if ($txt !~ /\Q$first_comment\E/s) {
      warn "[first_comment] $f\n";
  warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-comments:  FAIL $fails\n" : "check-comments:  PASS\n" );
  return $fails;

sub check_doc {
  my $fails = 0;
  my $tex = read_file('doc/bn.tex');
  my $tmh = read_file('tommath.h');
  my @functions = $tmh =~ /\n\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_* ]+?(mp_[a-z0-9_]+)\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*;/sg;
  my @macros    = $tmh =~ /\n\s*#define\s+([a-z0-9_]+)\s*\([^\)]+\)/sg;
  for my $n (sort @functions) {
    (my $nn = $n) =~ s/_/\\_/g; # mp_sub_d >> mp\_sub\_d
    if ($tex !~ /index\Q{$nn}\E/) {
      warn "[missing_doc_for_function] $n\n";
  for my $n (sort @macros) {
    (my $nn = $n) =~ s/_/\\_/g; # mp_iszero >> mp\_iszero
    if ($tex !~ /index\Q{$nn}\E/) {
      warn "[missing_doc_for_macro] $n\n";
  warn( $fails > 0 ? "check_doc:       FAIL $fails\n" : "check-doc:       PASS\n" );
  return $fails;

sub prepare_variable {
  my ($varname, @list) = @_;
  my $output = "$varname=";
  my $len = length($output);
  foreach my $obj (sort @list) {
    $len = $len + length $obj;
    $obj =~ s/\*/\$/;
    if ($len > 100) {
      $output .= "\\\n";
      $len = length $obj;
    $output .= $obj . ' ';
  $output =~ s/ $//;
  return $output;

sub prepare_msvc_files_xml {
  my ($all, $exclude_re, $targets) = @_;
  my $last = [];
  my $depth = 2;

  # sort files in the same order as visual studio (ugly, I know)
  my @parts = ();
  for my $orig (@$all) {
    my $p = $orig;
    $p =~ s|/|/~|g;
    $p =~ s|/~([^/]+)$|/$1|g;
    my @l = map { sprintf "% -99s", $_ } split /\//, $p;
    push @parts, [ $orig, join(':', @l) ];
  my @sorted = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @parts;

  my $files = "<Files>\r\n";
  for my $full (@sorted) {
    my @items = split /\//, $full; # split by '/'
    $full =~ s|/|\\|g;             # replace '/' bt '\'
    shift @items; # drop first one (src)
    pop @items;   # drop last one (filename.ext)
    my $current = \@items;
    if (join(':', @$current) ne join(':', @$last)) {
      my $common = 0;
      $common++ while ($last->[$common] && $current->[$common] && $last->[$common] eq $current->[$common]);
      my $back = @$last - $common;
      if ($back > 0) {
        $files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (1..$back);
      my $fwd = [ @$current ]; splice(@$fwd, 0, $common);
      for my $i (0..scalar(@$fwd) - 1) {
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<Filter\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tName=\"$fwd->[$i]\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n";
      $last = $current;
    $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<File\r\n";
    $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tRelativePath=\"$full\"\r\n";
    $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n";
    if ($full =~ $exclude_re) {
      for (@$targets) {
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t<FileConfiguration\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tName=\"$_\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tExcludedFromBuild=\"true\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t>\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t<Tool\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"\"\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t/>\r\n";
        $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t</FileConfiguration>\r\n";
    $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "</File>\r\n";
  $files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (@$last);
  $files .= "\t</Files>";
  return $files;

sub patch_file {
  my ($content, @variables) = @_;
  for my $v (@variables) {
    if ($v =~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*=.*$/si) {
      my $name = $1;
      $content =~ s/\n\Q$name\E\b.*?[^\\]\n/\n$v\n/s;
    else {
      die "patch_file failed: " . substr($v, 0, 30) . "..";
  return $content;

sub process_makefiles {
  my $write = shift;
  my $changed_count = 0;
  my @o = map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/\.c$/.o/; $x } bsd_glob("*.c");
  my @all = bsd_glob("*.{c,h}");

  my $var_o = prepare_variable("OBJECTS", @o);
  (my $var_obj = $var_o) =~ s/\.o\b/.obj/sg;

  # update OBJECTS + HEADERS in makefile*
  for my $m (qw/ /) {
    my $old = read_file($m);
    my $new = $m eq 'makefile.msvc' ? patch_file($old, $var_obj)
                                    : patch_file($old, $var_o);
    if ($old ne $new) {
      write_file($m, $new) if $write;
      warn "changed: $m\n";

  if ($write) {
    return 0; # no failures
  else {
    warn( $changed_count > 0 ? "check-makefiles: FAIL $changed_count\n" : "check-makefiles: PASS\n" );
    return $changed_count;

sub draw_func
   my ($deplist, $depmap, $out, $indent, $funcslist) = @_;
   my @funcs = split ',', $funcslist;
   # try this if you want to have a look at a minimized version of the callgraph without all the trivial functions
   #if ($deplist =~ /$funcs[0]/ || $funcs[0] =~ /BN_MP_(ADD|SUB|CLEAR|CLEAR_\S+|DIV|MUL|COPY|ZERO|GROW|CLAMP|INIT|INIT_\S+|SET|ABS|CMP|CMP_D|EXCH)_C/) {
   if ($deplist =~ /$funcs[0]/) {
      return $deplist;
   } else {
      $deplist = $deplist . $funcs[0];
   if ($indent == 0) {
   } elsif ($indent >= 1) {
      print {$out} '|   ' x ($indent - 1) . '+--->';
   print {$out} $funcs[0] . "\n";
   shift @funcs;
   my $olddeplist = $deplist;
   foreach my $i (@funcs) {
      $deplist = draw_func($deplist, $depmap, $out, $indent + 1, ${$depmap}{$i}) if exists ${$depmap}{$i};
   return $olddeplist;

sub update_dep
    #open class file and write preamble
    open(my $class, '>', 'tommath_class.h') or die "Couldn't open tommath_class.h for writing\n";
    print {$class} << 'EOS';
/* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */

#if !(defined(LTM1) && defined(LTM2) && defined(LTM3))
#define LTM_INSIDE
#if defined(LTM2)
#   define LTM3
#if defined(LTM1)
#   define LTM2
#define LTM1
#if defined(LTM_ALL)

    foreach my $filename (glob 'bn*.c') {
        my $define = $filename;

        print "Processing $filename\n";

        # convert filename to upper case so we can use it as a define
        $define =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
        $define =~ tr/\./_/;
        print {$class} "#   define $define\n";

        # now copy text and apply #ifdef as required
        my $apply = 0;
        open(my $src, '<', $filename);
        open(my $out, '>', 'tmp');

        # first line will be the #ifdef
        my $line = <$src>;
        if ($line =~ /include/) {
            print {$out} $line;
        } else {
            print {$out} << "EOS";
#include "tommath_private.h"
#ifdef $define
/* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */
            $apply = 1;
        while (<$src>) {
            if ($_ !~ /tommath\.h/) {
                print {$out} $_;
        if ($apply == 1) {
            print {$out} "#endif\n";
        close $src;
        close $out;

        unlink $filename;
        rename 'tmp', $filename;
    print {$class} "#endif\n#endif\n";

    # now do classes
    my %depmap;
    foreach my $filename (glob 'bn*.c') {
        my $content;
        if ($filename =~ "bn_deprecated.c") {
            open(my $src, '<', $filename) or die "Can't open source file!\n";
            read $src, $content, -s $src;
            close $src;
        } else {
            my $cc = $ENV{'CC'} || 'gcc';
            $content = `$cc -E -x c -DLTM_ALL $filename`;
            $content =~ s/^# 1 "$filename".*?^# 2 "$filename"//ms;

        # convert filename to upper case so we can use it as a define
        $filename =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
        $filename =~ tr/\./_/;

        print {$class} "#if defined($filename)\n";
        my $list = $filename;

        # strip comments
        $content =~ s{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs;

        # scan for mp_* and make classes
        my @deps = ();
        foreach my $line (split /\n/, $content) {
            while ($line =~ /(fast_)?(s_)?mp\_[a-z_0-9]*((?=\;)|(?=\())|(?<=\()mp\_[a-z_0-9]*(?=\()/g) {
                my $a = $&;
                next if $a eq "mp_err";
                $a =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
                $a = 'BN_' . $a . '_C';
                push @deps, $a;
        @deps = sort(@deps);
        foreach my $a (@deps) {
            if ($list !~ /$a/) {
                print {$class} "#   define $a\n";
            $list = $list . ',' . $a;
        $depmap{$filename} = $list;

        print {$class} "#endif\n\n";

    print {$class} << 'EOS';
#ifdef LTM3
#   define LTM_LAST

#include "tommath_superclass.h"
#include "tommath_class.h"
#   define LTM_LAST
    close $class;

    #now let's make a cool call graph...

    open(my $out, '>', 'callgraph.txt');
    foreach (sort keys %depmap) {
        draw_func("", \%depmap, $out, 0, $depmap{$_});
        print {$out} "\n\n";
    close $out;

    return 0;

sub generate_def {
    my @files = split /\n/, `git ls-files`;
    @files = grep(/\.c/, @files);
    @files = map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/^bn_|\.c$//g; $x; } @files;
    @files = grep(!/mp_radix_smap/, @files);

    push(@files, qw(mp_set_int mp_set_long mp_set_long_long mp_get_int mp_get_long mp_get_long_long mp_init_set_int));

    my $files = join("\n    ", sort(grep(/^mp_/, @files)));
    write_file "tommath.def", "; libtommath
; Use this command to produce a 32-bit .lib file, for use in any MSVC version
;   lib -machine:X86 -name:libtommath.dll -def:tommath.def -out:tommath.lib
; Use this command to produce a 64-bit .lib file, for use in any MSVC version
;   lib -machine:X64 -name:libtommath.dll -def:tommath.def -out:tommath.lib
    return 0;

sub die_usage {
  die <<"MARKER";
usage: $0 -s   OR   $0 --check-source
       $0 -o   OR   $0 --check-comments
       $0 -m   OR   $0 --check-makefiles
       $0 -a   OR   $0 --check-all
       $0 -u   OR   $0 --update-files

GetOptions( "s|check-source"        => \my $check_source,
            "o|check-comments"      => \my $check_comments,
            "m|check-makefiles"     => \my $check_makefiles,
            "d|check-doc"           => \my $check_doc,
            "a|check-all"           => \my $check_all,
            "u|update-files"        => \my $update_files,
            "h|help"                => \my $help
          ) or die_usage;

my $failure;
$failure ||= check_source()       if $check_all || $check_source;
$failure ||= check_comments()     if $check_all || $check_comments;
$failure ||= check_doc()          if $check_doc; # temporarily excluded from --check-all
$failure ||= process_makefiles(0) if $check_all || $check_makefiles;
$failure ||= process_makefiles(1) if $update_files;
$failure ||= update_dep()         if $update_files;
$failure ||= generate_def()       if $update_files;

die_usage unless defined $failure;
exit $failure ? 1 : 0;