view libtomcrypt/testprof/ecc_test.c @ 523:4ff1bf0345c9 maemo

- dropbear-server doesn't have anything in /usr/lib/dropbear
author Matt Johnston <>
date Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:55:57 +0000
parents 0cbe8f6dbf9e
children f849a5ca2efc
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#include <tomcrypt_test.h>

#ifdef MECC

static int sizes[] = {
#ifdef ECC112
#ifdef ECC128
#ifdef ECC160
#ifdef ECC192
#ifdef ECC224
#ifdef ECC256
#ifdef ECC384
#ifdef ECC521

int ecc_test_shamir(void)
   void *modulus, *mp, *kA, *kB, *rA, *rB;
   ecc_point *G, *A, *B, *C1, *C2;
   int x, y, z;
   unsigned char buf[ECC_BUF_SIZE];

   DO(mp_init_multi(&kA, &kB, &rA, &rB, &modulus, NULL));
   LTC_ARGCHK((G  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((A  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((B  = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((C1 = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK((C2 = ltc_ecc_new_point()) != NULL);

   for (x = 0; x < (int)(sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); x++) {
       /* get the base point */
       for (z = 0; ltc_ecc_sets[z].name; z++) {
           if (sizes[z] < ltc_ecc_sets[z].size) break;
       LTC_ARGCHK(ltc_ecc_sets[z].name != NULL);

       /* load it */
       DO(mp_read_radix(G->x, ltc_ecc_sets[z].Gx, 16));
       DO(mp_read_radix(G->y, ltc_ecc_sets[z].Gy, 16));
       DO(mp_set(G->z, 1));
       DO(mp_read_radix(modulus, ltc_ecc_sets[z].prime, 16));
       DO(mp_montgomery_setup(modulus, &mp));

       /* do 100 random tests */
       for (y = 0; y < 100; y++) {
          /* pick a random r1, r2 */
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(rA, buf, sizes[x]));
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(rB, buf, sizes[x]));

          /* compute rA * G = A */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(rA, G, A, modulus, 1));
          /* compute rB * G = B */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(rB, G, B, modulus, 1));

          /* pick a random kA, kB */
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(kA, buf, sizes[x]));
          LTC_ARGCHK(yarrow_read(buf, sizes[x], &yarrow_prng) == sizes[x]);
          DO(mp_read_unsigned_bin(kB, buf, sizes[x]));

          /* now, compute kA*A + kB*B = C1 using the older method */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(kA, A, C1, modulus, 0));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(kB, B, C2, modulus, 0));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_ptadd(C1, C2, C1, modulus, mp));
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_map(C1, modulus, mp));

          /* now compute using mul2add */
          DO(ltc_mp.ecc_mul2add(A, kA, B, kB, C2, modulus));

          /* is they the sames?  */
          if ((mp_cmp(C1->x, C2->x) != LTC_MP_EQ) || (mp_cmp(C1->y, C2->y) != LTC_MP_EQ) || (mp_cmp(C1->z, C2->z) != LTC_MP_EQ)) {
             fprintf(stderr, "ECC failed shamir test: size=%d, testno=%d\n", sizes[x], y);
             return 1;
  mp_clear_multi(kA, kB, rA, rB, modulus, NULL);
  return 0;

int ecc_tests (void)
  unsigned char buf[4][4096];
  unsigned long x, y, z, s;
  int           stat, stat2;
  ecc_key usera, userb, pubKey, privKey;
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());

  for (s = 0; s < (sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); s++) {
     /* make up two keys */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &userb));

     /* make the shared secret */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[0], &x));

     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&userb, &usera, buf[1], &y));

     if (y != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys are not same size.");
       return 1;

     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[1], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys not same contents.");
       return 1;

     /* now export userb */
     y = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export (buf[1], &y, PK_PUBLIC, &userb));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* import and make the shared secret again */
     DO(ecc_import (buf[1], y, &userb));

     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     /* export with ANSI X9.63 */
     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_export(&userb, buf[1], &y));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* now import the ANSI key */
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_import(buf[1], y, &userb));

     /* shared secret */
     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     ecc_free (&usera);
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* test encrypt_key */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));

     /* export key */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PUBLIC, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &pubKey));
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PRIVATE, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &privKey));

     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     y = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_encrypt_key (buf[0], 32, buf[1], &y, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), find_hash ("sha256"), &pubKey));
     zeromem (buf[0], sizeof (buf[0]));
     x = sizeof (buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_decrypt_key (buf[1], y, buf[0], &x, &privKey));
     if (x != 32) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed (length)");
       return 1;
     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        if (buf[0][x] != x) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Failed (contents)");
           return 1;
     /* test sign_hash */
     for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     x = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_sign_hash (buf[0], 16, buf[1], &x, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), &privKey));
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat, &pubKey));
     buf[0][0] ^= 1;
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat2, &privKey));
     if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) { 
        fprintf(stderr, "ecc_verify_hash failed %d, %d, ", stat, stat2);
        return 1;
     ecc_free (&usera); 
     ecc_free (&pubKey);
     ecc_free (&privKey);
  return ecc_test_shamir();
  return 0;


int ecc_tests(void)
   fprintf(stderr, "NOP");
   return 0;


/* $Source: /cvs/libtom/libtomcrypt/testprof/ecc_test.c,v $ */
/* $Revision: 1.21 $ */
/* $Date: 2006/12/04 03:21:03 $ */