view fuzz.h @ 1653:76189c9ffea2

External Public-Key Authentication API (#72) * Implemented dynamic loading of an external plug-in shared library to delegate public key authentication * Moved conditional compilation of the plugin infrastructure into the script to be able to add -ldl to dropbear build only when the flag is enabled * Added tags file to the ignore list * Updated API to have the constructor to return function pointers in the pliugin instance. Added support for passing user name to the checkpubkey function. Added options to the session returned by the plugin and have dropbear to parse and process them * Added -rdynamic to the linker flags when EPKA is enabled * Changed the API to pass a previously created session to the checkPubKey function (created during preauth) * Added documentation to the API * Added parameter addrstring to plugin creation function * Modified the API to retrieve the auth options. Instead of having them as field of the EPKASession struct, they are stored internally (plugin-dependent) in the plugin/session and retrieved through a pointer to a function (in the session) * Changed option string to be a simple char * instead of unsigned char *
author fabriziobertocci <>
date Wed, 15 May 2019 09:43:57 -0400
parents 35af85194268
children dfbe947bdf0d
line wrap: on
line source


#include "config.h"


#include "includes.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "algo.h"
#include "fuzz-wrapfd.h"

// once per process
void fuzz_common_setup(void);
void fuzz_svr_setup(void);

// must be called once per fuzz iteration. 
int fuzz_set_input(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);

int fuzz_run_preauth(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, int skip_kexmaths);
const void* fuzz_get_algo(const algo_type *algos, const char* name);

// fuzzer functions that intrude into general code
void fuzz_kex_fakealgos(void);
int fuzz_checkpubkey_line(buffer* line, int line_num, char* filename,
        const char* algo, unsigned int algolen,
        const unsigned char* keyblob, unsigned int keybloblen);
extern const char * const * fuzz_signkey_names;
void fuzz_seed(void);
void fuzz_get_socket_address(int fd, char **local_host, char **local_port,
                        char **remote_host, char **remote_port, int host_lookup);
void fuzz_fake_send_kexdh_reply(void);

// fake IO wrappers
#define select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout) \
        wrapfd_select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout)
#define write(fd, buf, count) wrapfd_write(fd, buf, count)
#define read(fd, buf, count) wrapfd_read(fd, buf, count)
#define close(fd) wrapfd_close(fd)
#endif // FUZZ_SKIP_WRAP

struct dropbear_fuzz_options {
    int fuzzing;

    // fuzzing input
    buffer *input;
    struct dropbear_cipher recv_cipher;
    struct dropbear_hash recv_mac;
    int wrapfds;

    // whether to skip slow bignum maths
    int skip_kexmaths;

    // dropbear_exit() jumps back
    int do_jmp;
    sigjmp_buf jmp;

    uid_t pw_uid;
    gid_t pw_gid;
    char* pw_name;
    char* pw_dir;
    char* pw_shell;
    char* pw_passwd;

extern struct dropbear_fuzz_options fuzz;


#endif /* DROPBEAR_FUZZ_H */