view libtomcrypt/crypt.lof @ 1090:93e1a0eb40ef

Uses abort() instead of raising a SIGABRT signal [-Werror] error: ‘noreturn’ function does return [-Werror] abort() is a noreturn function while raise() is not. And because crypt_argchk() is flagged as __attribute__(noreturn), abort() appears to be a better condidate. This compilation warning has probably been introduced by commit 1809f741cba865b03d4db5c4ba8c41364a55d6bc.
author Gaël PORTAY <>
date Sat, 02 May 2015 11:26:22 +0200
parents 0cbe8f6dbf9e
children f849a5ca2efc
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces Load And Store Macros}}{9}{figure.2.1}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.2}{\ignorespaces Rotate Macros}}{9}{figure.2.2}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3.1}{\ignorespaces Built--In Software Ciphers}}{19}{figure.3.1}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3.2}{\ignorespaces Twofish Build Options}}{21}{figure.3.2}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4.1}{\ignorespaces Built--In Software Hashes}}{57}{figure.4.1}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.1}{\ignorespaces List of Provided PRNGs}}{82}{figure.6.1}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {9.1}{\ignorespaces DSA Key Sizes}}{119}{figure.9.1}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {10.1}{\ignorespaces List of ASN.1 Supported Types}}{127}{figure.10.1}
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\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.1}{\ignorespaces RSA/DH Key Strength}}{149}{figure.12.1}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.2}{\ignorespaces ECC Key Strength}}{149}{figure.12.2}
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