view logs/graphs.dem @ 145:a96ff234ff19 libtommath

propagate of fc94c38452d9fd684a8e1eb9e3a73120aac0d38f and 3e4de4cbef3d9035a7b2f0c25e9f86e297f9f6d1 from branch 'au.asn.ucc.matt.ltm-orig' to 'au.asn.ucc.matt.ltm-db'
author Matt Johnston <>
date Sun, 19 Dec 2004 15:57:19 +0000
parents d29b64170cf0
line wrap: on
line source

set terminal png
set size 1.75
set ylabel "Cycles per Operation"
set xlabel "Operand size (bits)"

set output "addsub.png"
plot 'add.log' smooth bezier title "Addition", 'sub.log' smooth bezier title "Subtraction"

set output "mult.png"
plot 'sqr.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (without Karatsuba)", 'sqr_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (Karatsuba)", 'mult.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (without Karatsuba)", 'mult_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (Karatsuba)"

set output "expt.png"
plot 'expt.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Montgomery)", 'expt_dr.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Dimminished Radix)", 'expt_2k.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (2k Reduction)"

set output "invmod.png"
plot 'invmod.log' smooth bezier title "Modular Inverse"