view libtommath/logs/graphs.dem @ 1465:f7a53832501d

cli_bind_address_connect * replaces -b dummy option in dbclient to be similar with openssh -b option * useful in multi-wan connections
author houseofkodai <>
date Mon, 01 May 2017 08:26:15 +0530
parents eed26cff980b
line wrap: on
line source

set terminal png
set size 1.75
set ylabel "Cycles per Operation"
set xlabel "Operand size (bits)"

set output "addsub.png"
plot 'add.log' smooth bezier title "Addition", 'sub.log' smooth bezier title "Subtraction"

set output "mult.png"
plot 'sqr.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (without Karatsuba)", 'sqr_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Squaring (Karatsuba)", 'mult.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (without Karatsuba)", 'mult_kara.log' smooth bezier title "Multiplication (Karatsuba)"

set output "expt.png"
plot 'expt.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Montgomery)", 'expt_dr.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (Dimminished Radix)", 'expt_2k.log' smooth bezier title "Exptmod (2k Reduction)"

set output "invmod.png"
plot 'invmod.log' smooth bezier title "Modular Inverse"