
age author description
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston merge coverity
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston merge coverity
2018-02-16 Loganaden Velvindron Add Spectre v2 mitigations for GCC (#54)
2018-02-16 Matt Johnston Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mkj/dropbear
2018-01-25 Francois Perrad use NULL instead of 0
2018-01-25 Francois Perrad fix indentation
2018-02-16 Matt Johnston merge
2018-02-16 Matt Johnston Remove accidentally committed DROPBEAR_FUZZ
2017-07-20 Michael Witten options: Complete the transition to numeric toggles (`#if')
2018-02-15 Matt Johnston disallow inetd -v
2018-02-14 Matt Johnston fix unused variable from merge
2018-02-14 Matt Johnston fix compile warnings
2018-02-14 Matt Johnston make signal flags volatile, simplify handling
2018-02-13 Matt Johnston Move DEBUG_TRACE to default_options
2018-02-13 Matt Johnston Update build instructions for localoptions, and tidy
2018-02-13 Matt Johnston update some dependencies
2018-02-13 Matt Johnston update default_options.h
2017-07-31 Michael Witten build: Remove unused constructs: `space' and `AC_PROG_MAKE_SET'
2018-02-11 Matt Johnston Removed commented out code
2018-02-11 Matt Johnston Fix building default_options.h
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston simplify error handling, check mp_copy return value
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston limit travis branches
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston Use an explicit matrix instead, avoid bad clang combinations etc
2018-02-10 Matt Johnston use parent $CC etc
2018-02-09 Matt Johnston pass CFLAGS to LTC_CFLAGS
2018-02-09 Matt Johnston cast m_burn argument away from volatile
2018-02-09 Matt Johnston exclude clang rather than osx for unbundled libtom
2018-02-09 Matt Johnston merge coverity