diff old/server/ts.py @ 511:cf52d5817709

author Matt Johnston <matt@ucc.asn.au>
date Thu, 26 Jun 2014 23:03:32 +0800
parents 95043860e437
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/old/server/ts.py	Thu Jun 26 23:03:32 2014 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+# time that the bluetooth takes to get going?
+# avoid turning off the bluetooth etc.
+TESTING = False
+import sys
+# for wrt
+import httplib
+import time
+import traceback
+import binascii
+import hmac
+import zlib
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import logging
+import socket
+L = logging.info
+W = logging.warning
+E = logging.error
+import config
+from utils import monotonic_time, retry, readline, crc16
+import utils
+import bluetooth
+def get_socket(addr):
+    s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket( bluetooth.RFCOMM )
+    L("connecting")
+    s.connect((addr, 1))
+    s.setblocking(False)
+    s.settimeout(1)
+    return s
+def flush(sock):
+    ret = []
+    while True:
+        l = readline(sock)
+        if l:
+            ret.append(l)
+        else:
+            break
+    return ret
+def encode_extra(extra_lines):
+    return ['extra%d=%s' % (n, l.strip()) for (n,l) in enumerate(extra_lines)]
+def fetch(sock):
+    extra_lines = flush(sock)
+    sock.send("fetch\n")
+    crc = 0
+    lines = []
+    l = readline(sock)
+    if not l:
+        return None
+    if l != 'START\n':
+        W("Bad expected START line '%s'\n" % l.rstrip('\n'))
+        extra_lines.append(l)
+        return encode_extra(extra_lines)
+    crc = crc16(l, crc)
+    while True:
+        l = readline(sock)
+        crc = crc16(l, crc)
+        if l == 'END\n':
+            break
+        lines.append(l.rstrip('\n'))
+    lines += encode_extra(extra_lines)
+    for d in lines:
+        L("Received: %s" % d)
+    l = readline(sock)
+    recv_crc = None
+    try:
+        k, v = l.rstrip('\n').split('=')
+        if k == 'CRC':
+            recv_crc = int(v)
+        if recv_crc < 0 or recv_crc > 0xffff:
+            recv_crc = None
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    if recv_crc is None:
+        W("Bad expected CRC line '%s'\n" % l.rstrip('\n'))
+        return None
+    if recv_crc != crc:
+        W("Bad CRC: calculated 0x%x vs received 0x%x\n" % (crc, recv_crc))
+        return None
+    return lines
+def turn_off(sock):
+    if TESTING:
+        return 99
+    L("Sending btoff")
+    flush(sock)
+    sock.send("btoff\n");
+    # read newline
+    l = readline(sock)
+    if not l:
+        W("Bad response to btoff")
+        return None
+    if not l.startswith('next_wake'):
+        W("Bad response to btoff '%s'" % l)
+        return None
+    L("Next wake line %s" % l)
+    toks = dict(v.split('=') for v in l.split(','))
+    rem = int(toks['rem'])
+    tick_secs = int(toks['tick_secs'])
+    tick_wake = int(toks['tick_wake']) + 1
+    next_wake = int(toks['next_wake'])
+    rem_secs = float(rem) / tick_wake * tick_secs
+    next_wake_secs = next_wake - rem_secs
+    L("next_wake_secs %f\n", next_wake_secs)
+    return next_wake_secs
+def clear_meas(sock):
+    flush(sock)
+    sock.send("clear\n");
+    l = readline(sock)
+    if l and l.rstrip() == 'cleared':
+        return True
+    E("Bad response to clear '%s'" % str(l))
+    return False
+def send_results(lines):
+    enc_lines = binascii.b2a_base64(zlib.compress('\n'.join(lines)))
+    mac = hmac.new(config.HMAC_KEY, enc_lines).hexdigest()
+    url_data = urllib.urlencode( {'lines': enc_lines, 'hmac': mac} )
+    con = urllib2.urlopen(config.UPDATE_URL, url_data)
+    result = con.read(100)
+    if result == 'OK':
+        return True
+    else:
+        W("Bad result '%s'" % result)
+        return False
+def do_comms(sock):
+    L("do_comms")
+    d = None
+    # serial could be unreliable, try a few times
+    d = fetch(sock)
+    if not d:
+        return
+    res = send_results(d)
+    if not res:
+        return
+    clear_meas(sock)
+    next_wake = 600
+    #next_wake = turn_off(sock)
+    #sock.close()
+    return next_wake
+testcount = 0
+def sleep_for(secs):
+    until = monotonic_time() + secs
+    while True:
+        length = until - monotonic_time()
+        if length <= 0:
+            return
+        time.sleep(length)
+def setup_logging():
+    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', 
+            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p',
+            level=logging.INFO)
+def get_net_socket(host, port):
+    s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
+    s.setblocking(False)
+    s.settimeout(1)
+    return s
+def main():
+    setup_logging()
+    L("Running templog rfcomm server")
+    if '--daemon' in sys.argv:
+        utils.cheap_daemon()
+    next_wake_time = 0
+    while True:
+        sock = None
+        try:
+            sock = get_net_socket(config.SERIAL_HOST, config.SERIAL_PORT)
+        except Exception, e:
+            #logging.exception("Error connecting")
+            pass
+        if not sock:
+            sleep_for(config.SLEEP_TIME)
+            continue
+        while True:
+            try:
+                do_comms(sock)
+                sleep_for(config.SLEEP_TIME)
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.exception("Error in do_comms")
+                break
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()