view web/ @ 159:683cfd134f6a

Fix the updated json web code to work
author Matt Johnston <>
date Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:35:54 +0800
parents 3b4277aaed3c
children 632d436d227b
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import rrdtool
import os
import os.path
import sys
import glob
import hashlib
import tempfile
import time
import syslog
import sqlite3
import traceback
import datetime
import struct
import binascii
import json
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb

import config

def sensor_rrd_path(s):
    return '%s/sensor_%s.rrd' % (config.DATA_PATH, str(s))

# returns (path, sensor_name) tuples
def all_sensors():
    return [(r, os.path.basename(r[:-4])) 
        for r in glob.glob('%s/*.rrd' % config.DATA_PATH)]

def create_rrd(sensor_id):
    # start date of 10 seconds into 1970 is used so that we can
    # update with prior values straight away.
    if 'voltage' in sensor_id:
        args = [ 
                '--step', '3600',
    elif 'fridge_on' in sensor_id:
        args = [
                '--step', '300',
        args = [
                '--step', '300',

    print>>sys.stderr, sensor_rrd_path(sensor_id) 

                '--start', 'now-60d',

# stolen from viewmtn, stolen from monotone-viz
def colour_from_string(str):
    def f(off):
        return ord(hashval[off]) / 256.0
    hashval = hashlib.sha1(str).digest()
    hue = f(5)
    li = f(1) * 0.15 + 0.55
    sat = f(2) * 0.5 + .5
    return ''.join(["%.2x" % int(x * 256) for x in hls_to_rgb(hue, li, sat)])

def graph_png(start, length):
    os.environ['MATT_PNG_BODGE_COMPRESS'] = '4'
    os.environ['MATT_PNG_BODGE_FILTER'] = 'paeth'
    rrds = all_sensors()

    graph_args = []
    have_volts = False
    for n, (rrdfile, sensor) in enumerate(rrds):
        unit = None
        if 'avrtemp' in sensor:
        if 'voltage' in sensor:
            have_volts = True
            vname = 'scalevolts'
            graph_args.append('DEF:%(vname)s=%(rrdfile)s:temp:AVERAGE:step=3600' % locals())
            unit = 'V'
        elif 'fridge_on' in sensor:
            vname = 'fridge_on'
            graph_args.append('DEF:raw%(vname)s=%(rrdfile)s:temp:LAST' % locals())
            graph_args.append('CDEF:%(vname)s=raw%(vname)s,-0.2,*,3,+' % locals())
            vname = 'temp%d' % n
            graph_args.append('DEF:raw%(vname)s=%(rrdfile)s:temp:AVERAGE' % locals())
            # limit max temp to 50
            graph_args.append('CDEF:%(vname)s=raw%(vname)s,35,GT,UNKN,raw%(vname)s,0.1,*,2,+,IF' % locals())
            unit = '<span face="Liberation Serif">ยบ</span>C'

        format_last_value = None
        if unit:
                last_value = float(['ds[temp].last_ds'])
                format_last_value = ('%f' % last_value).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + unit
            except ValueError:
        width = config.LINE_WIDTH
        legend = config.SENSOR_NAMES.get(sensor, sensor)
        colour = config.SENSOR_COLOURS.get(legend, colour_from_string(sensor))
        if format_last_value:
            print_legend = '%s (%s)' % (legend, format_last_value)
            print_legend = legend
        graph_args.append('LINE%(width)f:%(vname)s#%(colour)s:%(print_legend)s' % locals())

    end = int(start+length)
    start = int(start)

    tempf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    dateformat = '%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d'
    watermark = ("Now %s\t"
                "Start %s\t"
                "End %s" % (
                datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end).strftime(dateformat) ))

    args = [, '-s', str(start),
        '-e', str(end),
        '-w', str(config.GRAPH_WIDTH),
        '-h', str(config.GRAPH_HEIGHT),
        '--border', '0',
#        '--vertical-label', 'Voltage',
        '--y-grid', '0.1:1',
        '--grid-dash', '1:0',
        '--zoom', str(config.ZOOM),
        '--color', 'GRID#00000000',
        '--color', 'MGRID#aaaaaa',
        '--color', 'BACK#ffffff',
        '--watermark', watermark,
        '--imgformat', 'PNG'] \
        + graph_args
    args += ['--font', 'DEFAULT:12:%s' % config.GRAPH_FONT]
    args += ['--font', 'WATERMARK:10:%s' % config.GRAPH_FONT]
    if have_volts:
        args += ['--right-axis', '10:-20', # matches the scalevolts CDEF above
            '--right-axis-format', '%.0lf',
#            '--right-axis-label', 'Temperature'

	print>>sys.stderr, ' '.join("'%s'" % s for s in args)
    #return tempf

def validate_value(m):
    if m == 85:
        return 'U'
        return '%f' % m

def sensor_update(sensor_id, measurements):
    except IOError, e:

    if measurements:
        values = ['%d:%s' % (t, validate_value(m)) for (t, m) in measurements]

        rrdfile = sensor_rrd_path(sensor_id)
        # XXX what to do here when it fails...
        for v in values:
                rrdtool.update(rrdfile, v)
            except rrdtool.error, e:
                print>>sys.stderr, "Bad rrdtool update '%s': %s" % (v, str(e))

        # be paranoid
        #f = file(rrdfile)

def debug_file(mode='r'):
    return open('%s/debug.log' % config.DATA_PATH, mode)

def record_debug(params):
    f = debug_file('a+')
    f.write('===== %s =====\n' % time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
    json.dump(params, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return f

def tail_debug_log():
    f = debug_file(), 2)
    size = f.tell(), size-30000))
    return '\n'.join(l.strip() for l in f.readlines()[-400:])

def convert_ds18b20_12bit(reading):
    value = struct.unpack('>h', binascii.unhexlify(reading))[0]
    return value * 0.0625

def time_rem(name, entries):
    val_ticks = int(entries[name])
    val_rem = int(entries['%s_rem' % name])
    tick_wake = int(entries['tick_wake']) + 1
    tick_secs = int(entries['tick_secs'])
    return val_ticks + float(val_rem) * tick_secs / tick_wake

def parse(params):

    start_time = time.time()
    debugf = record_debug(params)

    remote_now = params['now']

    time_diff = start_time - remote_now

    # readings is [ ({sensorname: value, ...}, time), ... ]
    readings = params['readings']

    # measurements is {sensorname: [(time, value), ...], ...}
    measurements = {}
    for rs, t in readings:
        real_t = t + time_diff
        for s, v in rs.iteritems():
            measurements.setdefault(s, []).append((real_t, v))

    # one-off measurements here
    measurements['fridge_on'] = [ (time.time(), params['fridge_on']) ]
    measurements['fridge_setpoint'] = [ (time.time(), params['fridge_setpoint']) ]

    for s, vs in measurements.iteritems():
        sensor_update(s, vs)

    timedelta = time.time() - start_time
    debugf.write("Updated sensors in %.2f secs\n" % timedelta)